
The Walking Dead Recap With Spoilers: Heads Up

Nicholas says ‘Thank You’ and he and Glenn fall from the dumpster. The zombies eat Nicholas who is […]

Nicholas says “Thank You” and he and Glenn fall from the dumpster. The zombies eat Nicholas who is laying on top of Glenn as Glenn crawls under the dumpster. Zombies reach for him but he stabs them and blocks access to him. Walkers start to lose interest in the dumpster area and walk away. Glenn looks at how little water he has left.

Night falls and days comes again. Nicholas lays dead by Glenn, who crawls out from under the dumpster. Glenn drinks Nicholas’ water and finds the busted flare gun. Enid yells, “Heads up!” and tosses Glenn a water bottle before scampering off.

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Glenn pursues her and asks what she’s doing out there. He begins asking what happened in Alexandria. She tells him, “What happened is what always happens. People died.” Glenn asks if the walkers got through. Enid tells him he was people. Glenn asks about Maggie. Enid doesn’t answer. He tries to chase her down but sees her running away while he is on the roof. He chases her but loses track and goes the other way.

Back at Alexandria, Rick inspects the walls as Morgan practices aikido. He greets Morgan and suggests they talk. Rick notices blood coming through a hole in the wall before approaching Maggie on top of the wall. He tells her she doesn’t need to stay up there so much and she says she won’t be. She’s looking for a signal from Glenn. He encourages her that Glenn, Abraham, and Sasha will all return. He wants focus on displacing the walkers so that “they can walk right in.” Maggie tells Rick Judith is staring to look like Lori.

Glenn finds the guy who wanted Michonne to deliver a note to his wife and puts him down. He finds the note for Betsy on the ground and picks it up before running off.

Father Gabriel posts notices for prayer by the solar panels.Rick tears them down.

Rick teaches Ron how to shoot in front of Carl. Carl boasts a bit, saying “that’s the easy part,” and “you’re gonna be scared.” Rick advises him to get the gun up to his eye before shooting and making sure he has his aim. Ron wants to practice shooting but Rick shoots that idea down.

Morgan approaches Denise’s house and starts to walk away but she opens the door and invites him in for oatmeal. He denies her invitation so she asks why he was there but he insists, “I’m fine.” Rick asks him to talk now.

Rick and Morgan sit down. Rick explains that the people with the W’s on the foreheads tried to kill him and Carol saw him let them go. He admits it. He questions Rick about why he didn’t kill hi back in King County. Rick says he knew who Morgan was but Morgan says he would’ve killed Rick. He doesn’t want to kill anymore. He insists people can change and all life is precious. Michonne says it can’t be that easy and Morgan says it isn’t easy. He asks if they think he doesn’t belong there. Rick responds by asking if he thinks he can make it without getting blood on his hands.

Walkers are piled against the walls.

Rick and Michonne think of ways to draw the walkers away. He wants to keep the plan a secret. Michonne wants to include the others. Deanna brings Rick the plans for the expansion she made. She tells him, “One way or another, there’s gonna be an after this.”

Rosita teaches Alexandrians and Eugene how to swing machetes. Eugene is uneasy with the lesson. Rosita approaches him and he admits he is scared of dying. She tells him dying is the easy part but the people around him dying, that’s the hard part.

Enid sits in a worn down diner with “JSS” notes near her. She tries to leave but sees walkers and Glenn grabs her. He insists she comes with him but she draws a gun.

Glenn demands she give him the gun and takes it from her. He wants to get home because half of the herd is headed that way.

Rick reinforces the walls. Tobin approaches and lends a helping hand.

Enid puts down a walker. She finds the balloons from Rick’s original plan and secures them onto her backpack and Glenn tells her about a helium tank, more balloons, and more string.

Rick and Tobin notice the blood coming through the walls. Tobin tells Rick he scared the hell out people when they first saw him with the beard and looking around like he saw things they weren’t but it turns out he was. He explains that things moved slow and then started moving fast but Tobin doesn’t want Rick to give up on them.

Glenn asks Enid who she stays with back home but she says it isn’t her home but she lived in Olivia’s place. She tells him she was orphaned by walkers and Glenn tells her, “Me too, probably.” Glenn tells her he understands her being scared. He tells her to honor the dead by going on and living because they don’t get to.

Denise reads on he stair case as someone walks through the kitchen. She finds a mess and Ron sneaks into the armory and steals some bullets.

Glenn and Enid find the Safe-Zone surrounded by walkers. Enid starts to walk away and Glenn stops her. She tells him the world is trying to die and they’re supposed to let it. Glenn says she’s wrong and he won’t let her die and convinces her to go inside.

Rick and Tobin spot Spencer climbing on a rope above the walkers. Eugene and Tara look on. The rope begins to slip and Spencer almost falls to the pit. It falls and Spencer falls into a pit of zombies. Tara fires at them as Rick and Tobin pull Spencer back up. Morgan comes in to assist and they’re able to bring him back up. Rick yells and criticizes Tara for risking her life for an Alexandria. Rick tells him that if he has an idea he has to come to Rick first.

Morgan enters the infirmary and sees Denise’s cheat sheets and a resting Scott. He tells her he has faith not because he has to but because he chooses to. He asks her if there is enough medicine to spare and wants to heal a wound and admits to her that it is not her wound.

Morgan walks outside and Carol looks on as Denise follows him. Carol follows with Judith. Morgan and Denise enter the house where Morgan is keeping the Wolf alive. Carol asks Jessie to take Judith so she can get on watch, hiding the fact that she wants to follow Morgan. Sam calls out for Carol and asks what happens if he can’t live with it. She tells him, “It eats you up.” He questions how people turn into the monsters and she tells him that the only thing keeping you from becoming a monster is killing. Jessie comes back and takes Judith and Carol unlocks to the door to the prison and asks Morgan who he has in the cell.

Carl walks in the street and Ron follows him, drawing his gun.

Michonne looks at Deanna’s expansion plans.

Rick and Tobin continue working as Tara searches for Denise. Rick apologizes to her for earlier and says she could’ve died. She tells him she wasn’t thinking about that. Deanna thanks Rick for saving Spencer. He tells her what Spencer did was stupid. He explains he could’ve hopped down and led the herd away while Spencer was up there but Spencer would’ve died. She asks why and he says, “Because he’s your son.”

The community, including Maggie, spot the green balloons from Enid being let go into the air. The tower outside the wall begins to fall and takes down the wall.