As previously reported on, The Walking Dead is getting a Super Bowl commercial…sort of. Time Warner Cable is airing a 30-second spot which will feature Norman Reedus, who plays Daryl Dixon on The Walking Dead. The spot is not a national commercial, but it will play in 44 markets as part of Time Warner’s Enjoy Better brand campaign.Time Warner Cable partnered with AMC to produce the spot, so you can expect plenty of realistic zombie action. In a special teaser image released by Time Warner, a zombie can be shown sneaking up behind a man on a couch, who appears to be watching television.”The Time Warner Cable Enjoy Shows Better partnership with AMC helps our customers engage more deeply with the shows they love, in this case, The Walking Dead, currently the most watched drama series on television,” said Jeffrey A. Hirsch, Executive Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer, Residential Services for Time Warner Cable. “This partnership is a solid demonstration of how we are able to merge our very best products and services with the very best in programming and offer it to our customers so that they can enjoy it even better.””This campaign uniquely and cleverly captures the spirit of The Walking Dead as well as featuring one of the series’ most iconic characters, Daryl Dixon” said Charlie Collier, President and General Manager of AMC. “We are thrilled to be working with Time Warner Cable to bring fans of The Walking Dead, one of television’s most passionate and engaged audiences, even better ways to experience and re-experience the zombie apocalypse.”In addition, Time Warner Cable will launch the Enjoy Shows Better: The Walking Dead Sweepstakes on Friday, February 8th. Fans of Time Warner Cable’s Facebook pages will be able to answer daily trivia questions about AMC’s The Walking Dead as well as see why Time Warner Cable’s products and services are better than ever. Fans can enter for a chance to win a trip for two to meet the cast of AMC’s The Walking Dead in San Diego this July, one year of Time Warner Cable Digital TV, Broadband Internet service, and more.Super Bowl XLVII airs on February 3, 2013 on CBS.
The Walking Dead Super Bowl Commercial Teaser
As previously reported on, The Walking Dead is getting a Super Bowl […]