So…Thor: The Dark World.That movie had so many in-universe references and clever hints of things to come that it felt like an episode of Arrow. Which got us thinking–our readers tend to enjoy it when we collect up the week’s Arrow or Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. references. Why not take that same critical eye to the movie?So some of these will be pretty obvious, and others not so much. Also, we’ll probably miss some. Feel free to chime in below the story, telling us in the comments what dopes were are for not realizing that something belongs on the list.The things we won’tmetion, because it seems pointless, are the references made specifically to be references; dialogue that specifically calls out the events of Thor or Marvel’s The Avengers was pretty common in this film and it didn’t take a sharp wit to recognize it, just being conscious and having seen the previous films.What did catch our attention?
Thor: The Dark World’s Easter Eggs And Marvel Universe References
So…Thor: The Dark World.That movie had so many in-universe references and clever hints of things […]