
Deadpool Movie: Top Five Scenes

I think it’s safe to say that Deadpool is a hit at this point. Already steering toward a $130 […]
Deadpool - Touch Yourself

I think it’s safe to say that Deadpool is a hit at this point. Already steering toward a $130 million dollar weekend, the movie starring the “Merc With a Mouth” is already breaking records like nobody’s business. If you haven’t already seen Deadpool in all his glory, get in your car, go to the nearest theater and prepare to be amazed. If you have already seen the movie, let’s reminisce about the good times, no…the best times of the Deadpool movie that we all witnessed.

Throughout the running time, Deadpool earned its R rating in spades, offering blood, guts, nudity and everything in between. It’s without a doubt that Mr. Wilson will be returning to a sequel in the near future considering its momentous landing, and with the scenes we’ll be revisiting here, it’s no wonder.

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The Holidays


The romance between Wade Wilson and Vanessa was just as twisted as each of the characters themselves. Their chemistry was pretty electric with each character bouncing off terrible recollections of their broken pasts off one another in a humorous fashion. When the two get together after a riveting game of skeeball wherein Wade wins a Vultron ring, the following scenes show us their relationship as they “celebrate” each in their own unique way.

For a relationship as unorthodox as theirs, the laughs came fast and furious as the pair celebrated Chinese New Year, Halloween, Lent, and many others of note. Each time they get down to business, they do so in a specific fashion worthy of the holiday itself. It’s one of the funniest scenes in the film and takes place before Wade even dons the red mask. Wilson will certainly be feeling “International Women’s Day” in the morning.

Monty Python Tribute

(Photo: 20th Century Fox)

When Deadpool meets Colossus and Nega-Sonic Teenage Warhead on the highway, the X-Men pair attempts to convince Wade to join the X-Men and put his abilities to good use. Wilson obviously isn’t really having it as he realizes that during the verbal skirmish, he loses sight of his primary target: Ajax. Blaming Mr. Rasputin, Deadpool begins hurling blows at Colossus, but since Colossus is a giant man made of metal, each blow causes Wade’s limb to snap. Punches turn into broken wrists and roundhouses kicks turn into compound fractures.

With Deadpool downed, doing his best impersonation of the Black Knight from Monty Python, Colossus handcuffs the “Merc with a Mouth” and begins dragging him to the X-Jet. Peter states that he is taking Wade to see the Professor, which Deadpool humorously questions, “McAvoy or Stewart?” In a slick escape, Wade cuts his own hand off and leaps off the bridge, leaving his disembodied hand giving Colossus the middle finger. This also leads to Wade’s amazing “baby hand”.

Deadpool Seeks Revenge


After Wade Wilson has escaped from Ajax’s grasp, he begins cutting through criminals who may lead him to Ajax. This also gives us a fantastic progression of Wade attempting to find the right costume to hide his new facial deformities. As he cuts through people, laying down quotes and quips along the way, one unfortunate victim of his path to revenge finds himself on an ice rink. Trailing close behind the crawling, injured criminal is Wade, steering a Zamboni toward him and cackling along the way.

I would be hard pressed to think of any movie wherein the protagonist attempted to kill someone using a Zamboni, and Deadpool is the same way as he cackles away at how ridiculous someone dying by a Zamboni would be. I was somewhat reminded of the scene from Austin Powers with the steamroller, though this one had just as much in the humor department.

Blind Al Shenanigans


The relationship between Deadpool and his roommate/hostage (?) Blind Al was something of an amazing sight to behold. As Deadpool  continued having some much needed, albeith horrifying, “alone time”, Al sat vigilant trying to assemble furniture from Craigslist on the regular. It’s cheating a bit to say the relationship between them as a moment, but it’d be so hard to choose as their cutting wit with one another was worth the price of admission alone. I honestly don’t think that I laughed harder at any other scene in the movie outside of Blind Al’s out of nowhere proclamation that “God, I miss cocaine”.

The two managed to be the ultimate odd couple, with Wade poking fun at Al and vice versa through the proceedings. I think what makes their relationship so special is that you still have no idea how in the world these two different characters manage to stand each other for as long as they have. Hopefully Al will be returning with Deadpool in future sequels.

The Final Fight


Can we talk about how epic this was? With Deadpool assembling every gun that he has, along with two X-Men in tow, he brings the war to Ajax. There are too many amazing moments here to count as Deadpool square off with Ajax, Colossus attempts to fight Angel Dust, and goons amass aplenty along the way to get in the heroes’ path. Not only did this make for some intense action sequences, along with the usual wit of Ryan Reynolds stringing everything along, but we also got an emotional punch of Deadpool reuniting with Vanessa and having to reveal his now hideous face. Of course, what made this all the funnier was the fact that when Vanessa took off Wade’s mask, his face was covered with a picture of Hugh Jackman’s that was stapled in place.

Deadpool as a whole was a tour de force, but this final sequence was the icing on top. It’s still amazing that we were actually able to get this movie at all, but here we sit. Can’t wait for the sequel and how Ryan Reynold’s continues to be a part of the X-Universe moving forward.