Eric complies — which causes him pain — and Willa tells them that Sarah is with her sister Amber, a vampire, possibly in Dallas. Eric and Pam are shocked that Sarah could have a vampire sister, but head off toward Dallas in pursuit.
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Sookie returns home and, seeing Alcide’s coat, finally stops being brave for everyone around her and starts to mourn; Lafayette and Jason come to check on her, and she tells them that the house feels empty, that she’s heartbroken — but that she wants to clean for Jackson, who is coming the next day. Lafayette objects and tells her to go to bed — that he’ll be there when she wakes up.
When she wakes up, Jackson has already arrived and is ready to go through Alcide’s affairs when Sookie is ready. The house is full of food, preparing for company as Lafayette (over Sookie’s objections) says that he plans to celebrate Alcide’s life.
Bill comes to the door with flowers, joking that he doesn’t have alcohol but that his mother told him never to show up empty-handed.
Eric and Pam arrive at Amber’s house, where Amber swears that Sarah is not there. Amber’s man Jeremy has already died of Hep-V and Amber is infected too. Eric tells Amber that he and Pam are going after Sarah. When she asks whether they plan to kill her sister, and they say yes, she agrees to join them — making her Pam’s new favorite person.
Amber tells Pam and Eric that her sister may be at their parents’ house, but that their parents are away at a gala.

Sookie comes downstairs and is immediately besieged by Violet’s condolences, from which Bill comes and rescues her. Jackson delivers a eulogy for Alcide, saying that his son only fought when it was something worth fighting for. Jackson tells Sookie she was worth fighting for; They toast Alcide.
Lettie Mae shows up at the party, and Sookie invites her to stay and say something about Tara, over Lafayette’s objections. Lettie Mae tells them all that Tara was a hero too because she saved her. She asks everyone to raise a glass to Tara.

At the party, he goes to find Holly and proposes — he takes his sweet time and halfway through, Holly excitedly accepts.
Arlene sees that Sookie is upset and takes her upstairs to talk to her. Sookie tells Arlene that she can’t believe Alcide is dead. Jackson is eavesdropping.
Outside, Lafayette and James are having a heart-to-heart conversation; James is frustrated with his relationship with Jessica. It isn’t long before the two start kissing.
Pam and Eric decide to go to the gala, undercover of course, with Pam having delightful color commentary for her own dress. Taking off his shirt, Pam tells Eric she’s upset with him for failing to disclose he’s in Stage Two of his Hep-V; he tells her that he’s going to die regardless and asks for her help covering whatever veins might show so that they can go to the gala.
Back at the party, the out-of-town vampire who saved Arlene comes over and Arlene says he keeps staring at her. The vampire tells Arlene that she is the most beautiful woman he has seen in 300 years.

Jason asks Jessica why it never occurred to her that James was gay — “he’s a sensitive musician” — and Jessica tells Jason that James isn’t gay, he’s confused. Lafayette joins the conversation, saying that Jessica never took any time to really learn anything about James, and that if she doesn’t want him, she should let him go and let him be happy with Lafayette.
After another brief flashback to Bill’s Civil War past, Sookie sees Bill outside and she asks him if it is safe to come outside. Bill is leaving, but Sookie stops him, hugging him and thanking him for always having faith in her and seeing her the way she can’t see herself.
Sookie heads back to the party and can hear the community’s voices in her head. She hears Lettie Mae saying that she is going to have to stab Willa so that she can get vampire blood to commune with Tara. Sookie runs over, but is too late to stop her stabbing Willa (non-fatally, obviously). Lafayette escorts Lettie Mae out of the party. Nicole, upset by the idea of having a raucous party right after some of their friends have died, needs Sam to take her home.
Jason and Jessica talk, with Jessica admitting that Lafayette may be right. Jason tells her that he is having second thoughts about Violet — that Violet is not the person he wanted to put his grandmother’s ring on. He and Jessica then start kissing.
Pam and Eric are at the Republican Gala; Pam tells Eric that the Gala is one of the most disturbing things she has ever seen.
In the bathroom of the Gala, Sarah approaches her mother and tells her that she is in big trouble and she needs help. Sarah asks her mother if Laura Bush is there. Her Mom tells her once the book came out saying she created the bad blood that infected the vampires, Laura stopped taking her calls. Sarah admits she was the one who did it but she needs help the Yakuza, who she says are after her.
Because nobody in this show can be subtle, ever, Violet catches Jason and Jessica having sex.
Back at the Gala, Eric asks Sarah’s father if he knows where his daughter is. Before he can answer, the Yakuza enter, guns a-blazing. Sarah and her Mom start to run, and the Yakuza give chase. At the end of a hall, Eric is waiting for her, and lifts her up by the throat. He’s distracted by the need to kill the Yakuza first.
Back at Sookie’s house she takes Alcide’s jacket to bed with her, holding it close and smelling it.
At home, Bill is in the tub having another flashback. He is telling his wife he does not want to fight but he does not see a way out of it. Bill tells his wife that she is his first love, and that he has loved her forever. He promises to come back after the war.
The flashback over, Bill gets out of the bathtub, wraps a towel around himself and goes to the mirror.
To his surprise he sees veins starting on his chest, indicating that he, too, is infected with Hep-V.