German filmmaker Uwe Boll (Assault on Wall Street) went postal on Sunday because his crowd-sourcing campaign for Rampage 3 was unsuccessful. He posted two videos that are laden with insults toward general moviegoers, Hollywood, Marvel fans and even Iron Man himself Robert Downey Jr..
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“It’s so pissing me off how fake that business is, but also how the young people of today falling in the f*cking trap, because they’re all stupid,” Uwe Boll began his rant against Marvel fans. “Like wake the f*ck up! Iron Man is not existing. Avengers are not existing. Because they are all f*cking retarded idiots. And Robert Downey Jr. and all them people are idiots. Not idiots, they just grab the money. And they’re laughing their asses off that the people pay money to that stupid, absurd sh*t that they are shooting, like Captain America and all that completely crap.”
Warning: Video linked below contains profanity.
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