A new series of Marvel Minimates has been released which should appeal to old-school comic book fans. Marvel Minimates Series 47 and TRU Series 14 are now in stores. The two new series feature members of the X-Men, Alpha Flight, and the Avengers.The X-Men Minimates recall the days of Chris Claremont’s lengthy run on Uncanny X-Men. Marvel Minimates Series 47 includes Wolverine, Rogue, Colossus, Dazzler and Longshot in their classic looks, plus an army-building Brood, who comes with regular Wolverine as well as a rare variant Brood-infected Wolverine.Havok and Storm are part of the Toys “R” Us-exclusive Series 14, which also includes Iron Man with Rhino, Alpha Flight members Vindicator and Box, and Ultimate Captain America with the first-ever figure of the new Ultimate Spider-Man, Miles Morales. Marvel Minimates Series 47 is only available at comic book shops and specialty stores, while TRU Series 14 is only available at Toys “R” Us of course.
X-Men, Alpha Flight, & Avengers Minimates New Series Released
A new series of Marvel Minimates has been released which should appeal to old-school comic book […]