Don’t expect Cyclops to enter X-Men: Apocalypse fully formed, mature and ready to lead Xavier’s mutant superhero team.
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That’s according to Tye Sheridan, the actor who will replace James Marsden as Scott Summers, who says the character is “a bit lost” when fans first encounter him in the upcoming blockbuster.
“It’s a nice progression with the roles I’ve played in the past. It’s forced me to use everything I’ve learned playing all the characters I have,” Sheridan told IndieWire. “My character is angry and a bit lost, which I feel like is where I’ve met a lot of my characters — in these sort of young life transitions where they’re struggling to figure things out about themselves. He’s now learning about being a mutant and trying to handle his superhero powers. The arc for the character is really cool for me — it’s not like I’m just stepping into it and I’m a superhero and it’s cool and all that with the suit. You kind of see the progression of this character — where he comes from, what he has to overcome and where he goes at the end of the film. It’s a great arc. “
Of course, neither Cyclops nor his brother Havok can be relied upon to be the most cuddly of X-Men, and both are often both angry and lost. Maybe we’ll get a version of the character that’s less “boring, handsome field commander” and more inspired by the source material.