Count Crowley: David Dastmalchian Opens Up About the "Complex Journey" of Mediocre Midnight Monster Hunter

Count Crowley writer David Dastmalchian opens up on his latest comic series.

When he's not appearing in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Christopher Nolan's latest pic, David Dastmalchian is working on breaking into the realm of comics. The actor's comics debut came in 2019 with Dark Horse's Count Crowley: Reluctant Midnight Monster Hunter, a story now in its third volume. As Dastmalchian tells us, this third volume is his most complex work yet.

"I feel so good. It is the most complex with the most character in the story happening right now," Dastmalchian tells us. "So the fear is that people might go, 'What's happening?!' As a writer, you have an obligation to making sure your audience is with you every step of the way, and I want it to be a really complex journey."

The actor-turned-writer then went on to say he was scared, even though his supporters had his back all the way throughout Volume 3's production process.

"I was scared because even though I deeply trust my editor and the people who helped me make it, and they were excited about it, I was like, the proof is in the pudding," Dastmalchian adds. "When people start reading it, are they going to scratch their heads? And so far it's been really good."'s Charlie Ridgely gave the latest issue a glowing review, calling it some of Dastmalchian's best work yet.

"Count Crowley is just the best, am I right? Each installment of David Dastmalchian's monster hunting saga has bled soul straight off the page, and the start of Mediocre Midnight Monster Hunter continues the trend," Ridgely said in his review earlier this month. "Crowley is a deeply lived-in character that never ceases to earn your attention and adoration. The supporting cast is as good as ever. And the narration is top-notch, as always. There are some classic Dark Horse monster shenanigans happening here, and for that we should all rejoice."

Count Crowley: Mediocre Midnight Monster Hunter #2 is due out December 13th. The first issue of Mediocre Midnight Monster Hunter, in addition to all four issues of the two series—Count Crowley: Reluctant Midnight Monster Hunter and Count Crowley: Amateur Midnight Monster Hunter—are now available wherever comics are sold.