DC Reveals New Costumes For Three Fan-Favorite Heroes

The Dawn of DC initiative is now underway, and it is giving both iconic and under-the-radar heroes a revamp. One of next books to get the spotlight will be a new Green Arrow miniseries, which is set to be a six-issue adventure concerning the entire "ArrowFam." In anticipation of the book's debut next month, series writer Joshua Williamson and artist Sean Izaakse are dropping a number of teases through an "unofficial" Green Arrow week — and that includes a new look at some of the series' costumes.

In a tweet, which you can check out below, Izaakse shared his redesigns for Oliver Queen / Green Arrow, Roy Harper / Arsenal, and Connor Hawke / Green Arrow.

What is the new Green Arrow series about?

In Green Arrow, the Emerald Archer is lost, and it will take Oliver Queen's whole family to find him! But dangerous forces are determined to keep them apart at any cost! Spinning out of Dark Crisis on Infinite EarthsGreen Arrow by DC architect Joshua Williamson (Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths, Superman) and artist Sean Izaakse (Thunderbolts) is an action-packed adventure across the DCU that sets the stage for major stories in 2023!

"I don't want to get too deep into Green Arrow yet, but a LOT of his rogues will be in the series," Williamson explained in an exclusive interview with CBR. "Just like every book I work on; I try to use all the mythology on the table. And with Green Arrow I want to level up a few bad guys and show why they are deadly. It's going to surprise people who the real villain of that series is."

What is Dawn of DC?

Beginning in 2023, Dawn of DC is included the launch of a number of new titles, as well as a rebrand of books like Action Comics and Superman. The new titles in the pipeline include Unstoppable Doom Patrol, Titans, Green Lantern, Green Lantern: John Stewart, Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Titans, Cyborg, Shazam!Steelworks, and The Penguin.

"After the near-Multiverse-ending events in Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths and DC Universe: Lazarus Planet, the DC Universe will be heading toward the light," DC publisher and chief creative officer Jim Lee said in a statement when the initiative was first announced. "With brand-new series and story arcs from some of the top creative members in comics, Dawn of DC is one of our most ambitious initiatives ever and is a chance for us to tell bigger and bolder stories across our line." 

Will you be checking out the new Green Arrow series? What do you think of these new costumes? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

Green Arrow #1 will be released wherever comics are sold on Tuesday, April 25th.