Storm King Comics have provided with a first look at the story trailer for John Carpenter’s Tales of Science-Fiction: The Envoy, a new, three-part graphic novel coming to comic shops and bookstores from writer David J. Schow and artist Andres Esparza. In the book, “Two cutting-edge scientists, friends and rivals since college, race to be the first to make alien contact. One finds a golden entity that offers to cure the worst Earthbound diseases. Simultaneously the other has discovered a creature that could be an alien or even a ghost. Is it two-in-one extraterrestrial contact… or something more monstrous?”
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The story is the latest in a series of Carpenter-branded tales from Storm King, with Schow already having proven he has a pretty good grasp on these concepts that dabble in the kind of world the Master of Horror likes to share with the world.
“With The Envoy — my third graphic novel for Storm King Comics-I wanted to lean away from straight action pulp and tackle the disparity between the supernatural and the scientific-the yin and yang of alien contact versus ghostly visitations,” David J. Schow said in a statement. “To show how these opposites are startlingly alike. How two people who couldn’t be further apart ideologically are actually seeking the same goal, the same prize. Anybody who has read my previous work for Storm King Comics already knows how weird that quest can get.”
“The Envoy is an all-encompassing, 1950s sci-fi noir with a touch of harsh reality,” said Andres Esparza. “David’s characters are endearing, you can quickly identify with them, their doubts, fears, concerns, or in the worst case, mortal desires. From John Carpenter’s Tales of Science Fiction: The Standoff, Hell, Tales for a HalloweeNight: RedMeatFlag, and recently The Envoy, it has been an adventure to be able to bring each of these protagonists to life. I’m grateful that Storm King Comics allows me to explore and push my limits as a storytelling artist.”
You can see it above.
You can order issues of John Carpenter’s Tales of Science-Fiction: The Envoy now. The first installment is already in comic shops.