The streets of New York are at war — and to the victor goes the city.Ahead of the “Marvel: Amazing Spider-Man – Gang War” panel at New York Comic Con on Friday, October 13th, Marvel Comics has released new promotional artwork showing the major players of the crime-ridden crossover with art by Ryan Stegman (Superior Spider-Man Returns). The street-level event, which officially kicks off in November’s Amazing Spider-Man #37 and Amazing Spider-Man: Gang War First Strike #1, spans issues of Miles Morales: Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, and tie-in series Daredevil: Gang War, Luke Cage: Gang War, and Deadly Hands of Kung-Fu: Gang War.
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After a mystery player hired the assassin Shotgun to take out crime lord Tombstone in the pages of Amazing Spider-Man #31, the super-crime landscape of New York has been on edge. When Gang War erupts, it’s going to take Spider-Man and his own gang of superheroes — including Miles Morales, Elektra’s Daredevil, the Jessica Drew Spider-Woman, She-Hulk, Luke Cage, and Bailey Briggs, the spectacular Spider-Boy — to save the city.

Stegman’s artwork assembles the crime lords and super-criminals at war, including Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin; the Hobgoblin; Tombstone; Hammerhead; Madame Masque; Crime Master; Black Mariah; the Owl; White Rabbit; Ringmaster; and Tombstone’s daughter, Janice Lincoln, a.k.a. the Beetle.
Marvel Gang War Checklist
Gang War First Strike: November 2023
Amazing Spider-Man #37
Amazing Spider-Man #38
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #12
Amazing Spider-Man — Gang War: First Strike #1
Spider-Woman #1
Luke Cage: Gang War #1 (of 4)
Gang War: December 2023
Amazing Spider-Man #39 (special upsized issue)
Amazing Spider-Man #40
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #13
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #14
Daredevil: Gang War #1 (of 4)
Spider-Woman #2
Luke Cage: Gang War #2 (of 4)
Deadly Hands of Kung-Fu: Gang War #1 (of 3)
Gang War: January 2024
Amazing Spider-Man #41
Amazing Spider-Man #42
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #15
Daredevil: Gang War #2 (of 4)
Spider-Woman #3
Luke Cage: Gang War #3 (of 4)
Deadly Hands of Kung-Fu: Gang War #2 (of 3)
Gang War: February 2024
Amazing Spider-Man #43
Amazing Spider-Man #44
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #16
Daredevil: Gang War #3 (of 4)
Spider-Woman #4
Luke Cage: Gang War #4 (of 4)
Deadly Hands of Kung-Fu: Gang War #3 (of 3)
Gang War: March 2024
Daredevil: Gang War #4 (of 4)
Amazing Spider-Man – Gang War Panel at NYCC 2023
3:15PM – 4:15PM EST | Room 409
Marvel Comics Executive Spider-Editor Nick Lowe web-slings by to hosta scintillating symposium on everyone’s favorite wall-crawler – and thelatest mess of trouble he’s gotten himself into in the thrilling Gang War comicscrossover! A war has erupted among the gang lords of the Big Apple, andonly Spidey’s hand-picked team of heroes (including Miles Morales,She-Hulk, Daredevil, Spider-Woman, and Luke Cage) can stop them. So joinNick, Marvel Comics Editor-in-Chief C.B. Cebulski, and an array ofother arachnid aficionados including Zeb Wells (Amazing Spider-Man), Erica Schultz (Daredevil: Gang War), and Greg Pak (Deadly Hands of Kung Fu: Gang War), to get the lay of the land for this showstopper of a crossover! PLUS, stay to the end for an exclusive giveaway!