Who is the new Moon Knight? That’s the question in Vengeance of the Moon Knight, Marvel’s upcoming relaunch of writer Jed MacKay and artist Alessandro Cappuccio’s run on the title. Spoiler warning for Moon Knight #30. This week’s final issue of Moon Knight ended with the death of Marc Spector, who sacrificed himself to save Manhattan from being driven mad by his archenemy, the new Black Spectre (unmasked as the traitor Robert Plesko). Marc Spector has died before to rise again as the Fist of Khonshu… but not this time. “There’s no more resurrection,” Marc’s assistant, Reese, told the villain Zodiac. “If the Black Spectre kills Marc, he’s not coming back.”
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Moon Knight is dead. Long live Moon Knight.
“Comics live and die on their art, and the art team on Moon Knight is doing the impossible — bringing him back from the dead,” MacKay wrote in a letter ending the final issue of Moon Knight. “Or at least, a Moon Knight. Because by the time you’re reading this, Vengeance of the Moon Knight #1 will be coming out next month, and we’ll see what this next act in the story of the Midnight Mission will bring as Reese, Tigra, Hunter’s Moon, Soldier and 8-Ball deal with the aftermath of their friend’s death… and what they’re going to do about this new Moon Knight, whoever they might be.”
MacKay added: “The Fists of Khonshu know: Death is never the end of duty.”
Spector rejected Khonshu during Jason Aaron’s run on Avengers, which means the moon god was powerless to save his former avatar from his fate in the pages of Moon Knight #30. In an epilogue, Reese fulfilled her promise to Marc: lead the Midnight Mission in the event of his death. “His work is our work now,” she told the first traveler coming to the Midnight Mission for help. “And our work never ends.”

Marvel unveiled Vengeance of the Moon Knight in September, describing the next phase of the book as “a stunning rebirth of the Moon Knight mantle.”
“Moon Knight may be dying, but Vengeance of the Moon Knight rises,clawing itself from the grave,” MacKay said in a statement announcing the relaunch. “We’re thrilled to bringthe next chapter of this saga to uneasy life as the Midnight Missionreels from a recent loss… and yet, Moon Knight still stalks the nighttime streets? Despite the apocalyptic events of Moon Knight #28-30, wehave plenty left to tell in the story of the Moon Knight, and I’mexcited for readers to join us!”

Written by Jed MacKay
Art by Alessandro Cappuccio
Cover by David Finch
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When the dust settles, a new avatar of Khonshu’s wrath will awaken!Complete with a new look and an unquenchable thirst for battle, thismysterious new Moon Knight emerges to take Marc’s place in VENGEANCE OFTHE MOON KNIGHT—a deadlier Lunar Legionnaire for the dark times ahead! Clad in the black of mourning, the Midnight Mission remains! But who isleft to keep the faith? And how have they been changed by the BlackSpectre’s master stroke? The next chapter of MOON KNIGHT starts here asthe congregants of the Midnight Mission pick up the pieces and carry onthe mission… and find themselves faced with a mysterious new enemy ineerily familiar vestments.