Marvel has released a batch of 10 "bonus story" pages that feature the characters of Wyn, Aiko, and Dimitri, who have been skulking around on the outskirts of the Marvel Universe. Over at the Marvel website, the pages were collected together for the first time, bringing together ten single pages that have run in a variety of Marvel titles in recent weeks, beginning with X-Men: Hellfire Gala. Across the pages, these characters have revealed a little about themselves and what's to come in Jonathan Hickman and Valerio Schiti's G.O.D.S. #1, which will go on sale October 4.
In addition to bringing back the Ultimate Marvel Universe, Hickman is creating what Marvel Comics is now calling GODS, a brand new addition to Marvel's mythology involving agents of "The Power That Be" and "The Natural Order of Things," who are asking questions about such fundamental questions as the nature of good and life and death. Fans got their first taste of GODS in this year's Free Comic Book Day: Avengers/X-Men title ahead of G.O.D.S. #1.
"I guess thematically, it's a book about gods and men. Or things we think of as gods and men. The axes of science and magic, good and evil, and life and death. So fairly primal stuff. People will pick up on all that immediately, I think," Hickman told "As for the Marvel Handbook stuff I like to add into the comics, I mentioned earlier that the first issue is pretty long, but so far each issue has been a little longer than what we consider a standard page count. I'm honestly not sure we're going to have the room."
You can see the preview pages below.