Marvel Comics is putting the “sensational” back in Sensational She-Hulk. After writer Rainbow Rowell and artist Andrés Genolet conclude their current adjectiveless run on the superhero attorney in She-Hulk #15 (on stands July 26th), Jennifer Walters will reclaim the adjective in Sensational She-Hulk #1 this October. Nearly 35 years after writer-artist John Byrne reinvented the cousin of Bruce Banner, the Incredible Hulk, in the pages of the groundbreaking — and fourth wall-breaking — Sensational She-Hulk in 1989, Rowell and Genolet will relaunch the book in the “sensational” spirit on October 18th.
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“That word [sensational] makes me think of the original Sensational She-Hulk from artist/writerJohn Byrne. It’s a vibe, really: gorgeous art, gorgeous Jen, jokes, afeeling that anything can happen, and a focus on a Jen as a person, awoman,” Rowell told “We were definitely inspired by that run in our previous issues,and we’re leaning in even more with the new book. I want it to feelreally smooth and buoyant, an ongoing celebration of Jen as a character.”

After adjectiveless She-Hulk wraps up later this month, Jen is “feeling a little bit more stable, a little more confident” and “more ready to take on the world” when Sensational She-Hulk #1 (2023) picks up where She-Hulk #15 leaves off. The book will “hit the ground running” with Jen’s supporting cast — Jack of Hearts, accomplished lawyer Mallory Book, the Awesome Andy android, and Patsy Walker, a.k.a. Hellcat — back for Sensational. Like the original first volume, which featured appearances by Spider-Man, Wolverine, and Howard the Duck, the new Sensational She-Hulk will continue the guest star tradition.
Rowell also promises more from the Punch Club — an exclusive super-person club that includes the Fantastic Four’s Thing, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Volcana, and Titania — in the She-Hulk finale and the Sensational first issue.
“She-Hulk is a great book to write because Jen knows literally everyonein the Marvel universe—we’ve got sixty years of comics as our oyster. Wereally wanted to give Jen her own consistent supporting cast, so allthe regulars will back for the new book,” Rowell said. “Jack, Patsy, the Punch Club…And we’ll keep bringing in fun guest stars. I’m especially excited togive Mallory and Awesome Andy more attention. And Titania and Volcana.”
Teasing threats both new and old, Rowell added, “We’ll meet a few people again who Jen had hoped were behind her—and one that Jack had assumed was behind him.And then we’ll see Jen trying to work through tough situations withpeople who can’t help but get in her way, even if they don’t mean to. Life, as always, is the fiercest antagonist.”
Sensational She-Hulk #1 is on sale October 18th from Marvel Comics.