
The Weekly Pull: Constantine, Punisher 2099, Star Trek: Picard, and More

It’s that time again. Wednesday is upon us, and that means new comic books. Every Wednesday, comic […]

It’s that time again. Wednesday is upon us, and that means new comic books. Every Wednesday, comic shops are flooded with new releases from publishers, and the team is here to help you find the best of the best.

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Each week, we’re here to highlight some of the new releases we’re most excited about. Be it a release from the big two or smaller publishers, be they single issues, graphic novels, or trade paperbacks, should they involve a superhero or not, if it has us excited and is going on sale this week, we’re going to let you know about it.

This Thanksgiving week, we have plenty of comics for you to feast on, from Marvel’s 2099 event to the return fo Hellblazer, to the return of Jean-Luc Picard. Keep reading to see the new releases that have us excited this week and let us know what you’re excited about in the comments section. And be sure to check back next week for more comic book recommendations.

Ascender #7

Written by Jeff Lemire
Art by Dustin Nguyen
Published by Image Comics

Ascender is, to put it bluntly, a book that should be on your pull every time there’s a new issue. While the series had a sort of slow and rough start, as we go deeper into the story things only become richer and more complex, deeply engaging, and quite frankly just a fantastic read. On top of that, each issue is a feast for the eyes, each page a gorgeous work of art that should be enjoyed and savored. This week’s issue finally reveals what happened during the Second Descender attack in terms of Captain Telsa and it is sure to be a stunning, moving issue. — Nicole Drum

Batman: Creature of the Night #4

Written by Kurt Busiek
Art by John Paul Leon

Published by DC Comics

Batman: Creature of the Night #4 is long-anticipated on multiple fronts. The series itself has been gestating for quite some time, providing a thematic sequel to the critically-acclaimed Superman: Secret Identity from 2004. However, Creature of the Night has also been severely delayed due to personal issues. Rather than finding a fill-in artist or disrupting the incredible quality found in the first three issues of the series, the creative team has been provided the time needed to complete this treatise on modern mythology, violence, and dark impulses. It’s rare that a series like this is produced at all, but even rarer that it receives the sort of support that Creature of the Night has, and all of us are blessed as readers to receive the final installment of this story as it was originally intended. While some (read: myself) are already looking forward to a hardcover edition to place on a bookshelf, this final issue will be eagerly consumed on Wednesday. Thank goodness it’s finally here. — Chase Magnett

Conan 2099 #1

Written by Gerry Duggan
Art by Roge Antonio
Published by Marvel Comics

Marvel hasn’t been precious since regaining the rights to publish comics about Robert E. Howard’s Conan the Barbarian earlier this year. In addition to launching an entire line of Conan comics, the company brought Conan into the Marvel universe and had him join a group of Avengers. Now they’re going to the next level by bringing Conan into the dystopian year 2099 future of the Marvel Universe.

Conan 2099 is in good hands. Gerry Duggan has been deep in Conan’s mythology since Marvel launched its new line. He wrote the first arc of the relaunched Savage Sword of Conan, and he’s written Conan into the Marvel Universe in Savage Avengers. Duggan is a writer who knows how to blend action with near-absurd humor, which seems like what this comic is going to be all about. He has a solid partner in artist Roge Antonio, meaning this one-shot should be a wild trip. — Jamie Lovett

East of West #44

Written by Jonathan Hickman
Art by Nick Dragotta
Published by Image Comics

The penultimate issue of East of West has arrived and is setting up the series big finale at the end of this year. However, any reader of East of West already knows that this series has never squandered pages purely on preparing for future events. The journey has always been filled with stunning sequences of actions, inspired character twists, and ample commentary on our own culture, so readers should expect a lot from the second-to-last issue. Many of the showdowns have already been framed, along with a handful of necessary and gruesome sacrifices. Tension has already been ratcheted up to an almost unbearable degree and #44 will likely turn the screw a few more times. After more than five years, one of the biggest creator-owned successes in modern comics is prepared to conclude and end just as well as it began. We can’t wait to see how it all plays out. — Chase Magnett

Fallen Angels #2

Written by Bryan Hill
Art by Szymon Kudranski
Published by Marvel

Fallen Angels #1 revealed a horrific new threat that somehow has links to Psylocke’s past, and now she’s assembled a team to track that threat down and deal with it personally. Writer Bryan Hill and artist Szymon Kudranski journey into the grayer areas of Krakoa and the world outside, and it can be a brutal place. That’s why you need people like X-23 and Cable by your side, and we can’t wait to see the damage they can do once they’re unleashed. โ€” Matthew Aguilar

Ironheart #12

Written by Eve Ewing
Art by Luciano Vecchio
Published by Marvel Comics

This week brings the end of Eve Ewing’s Ironheartย solo run, and it certainly looks like it’ll go down swinging. This issue follows Riri’s adventures in Wakanda, as she and a group of allies are put to the test in an epic way. Thankfully, Riri – and Ewing’s take on her – supposedly “aren’t going anywhere” – which only gives more reason to add this issue to your pull list. โ€” Jenna Anderson

John Constantine: Hellblazer #1

Written by Simon Spurrier
Art by Aaron Campbell
Published by DC Comics

John Constantine has gone through so many evolutions since his initial debut, ranging from the fan-favorite to the bizarre. This week, the “original” Constantine returns, which in and of itself makes this one of the most highly-anticipated debuts this week. But with a creative team that includes Simon Spurrier and Aaron Campbell, and a supernatural London-set premise, there’s a lot for fans to be excited for with this debut issue. โ€” Jenna Anderson

Machine Gun Wizards #4

Written by Christian Ward
Arty by Sami Kivelรค
Published by Dark Horse Comics

Machine Gun Wizards has been one wild ride that’s set to wrap up with this month’s fourth issue. Equal parts Scorsese gangster film and Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings magic, this genre-bending comic has a little something for everyone. Brisk-paced, the first three issues should be a quick read should you want to get caught up before the finale. I mean, this series features a ten-foot-tall telepathic toad โ€” need I say more? — Adam Barnhardt

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #45

Written by Ryan Parrott
Arty by Daniele Di Nicuolo
Published by BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers has been building to a battle between the Omega Rangers and Lord Zedd, and fans will finally get to see things pay off in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #45. Trust us, the battle delivers, but that’s only the tip of the iceberg. If you’ve been enjoying writer Ryan Parrott and artist Daniele Di Nicuolo’s Power Rangers run, get ready because things are hitting a whole new gear after this. โ€” Matthew Aguilar

Punisher 2099 #1

Written by Lonnie Nadler and Zac Thompson
Art by Matt Horak
Published by Marvel Comics

2099 is back and it wouldn’t be the cheesy futuristic goodness without a guns-blazing future Punisher. Nadler & Thompson have been hitting it out of the park on their Yondu run for the House of Ideas and it looks like this has somewhat of a similar setup. At the very least, it promises lots of shootin’ and action so it’s certainly not bound to be a boring book. — Adam Barnhardt

Red Hood: Outlaw Vol. 2: Prince of Gotham

Written by Scott Lobdell
Art by Pete Woods, Stephen Segovia, Adam Pollina
Published by DC Comics

Red Hood: Outlaw is a title that is consistently interesting and entertaining as it follows Jason Todd’s continued adventures and this week one of the most unexpected of those adventures is collected in Red Hood: Outlaw Vol. 2: Prince of Gotham. Collecting issues #32-26 as well as Annual #3, the story sees Red Hood become the crime lord the Prince of Gotham, a revenge plot from The Penguin, and the beginning of Red Hood’s “Year of the Villain” turn. It’s an action-packed and fascinating arc, one that you absolutely should take the time to check out. — Nicole Drum

Star Trek: Picard — Countdown #1

Written by Kirsten Beyer and Michael Johnson
Arty by Angel Hernandez
Published by IDW Publishing

IDW Publishing has had the Star Trek license for more than a decade. The publisher entered a new era in 2017 with the debut of Star Trek: Discovery on CBS All Access. Discovery‘s debut means that, for the first time, IDW is publishing new comics tying into an ongoing Star Trek television series. It’s done a stellar job with that task. It’s relied on Kirsten Beyer, a veteran Star Trek novelist who works with Star Trek television, and Michael Johnson, the best Star Trek comics writer of the IDW era, to pull it off. With Beyer helping to coordinate between the TV writers’ rooms and IDW, she and Johnson tell tales that are significant and entertaining without stumbling over continuity.

The upcoming debut of Star Trek: Picard presents another new opportunity. Beyer and Johnson are back to write Star Trek: Picard โ€” Countdown. The three-issue prequel tells of the mission that convinces Jean-Luc Picard to leave Starfleet. The writers are teaming with Angel Hernandez, an artist who knows how to bring the Star Trek universe to life without straying into the uncanny valley of actor likenesses. With the talent on board, the subject matter, and the anticipation for the upcoming TV series, this is a can’t-miss Star Trek comic. — Jamie Lovett