Dark Crisis is the biggest crossover event currently taking place within the pages of DC Comics as we speak. The event began with quite the bombshell as the long-established DC figure, Pariah, assembled a dark army and hurled them at the Justice League, seemingly killing them and forcing the remaining heroes to step up to the plate in their absence. However, the latest issue of The Flash, Issue #785, explains the fate of the likes of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and other members of the League as the Flash family encounters one of their own.
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The past few issues of the latest arc featured the Flash Family traveling through a number of worlds within the multiverse in an effort to find Barry Allen, who was discovered to not have suffered the same fate as his fellow members of the Justice League. While many of the speedsters were ultimately unsuccessful in finding Barry, Wally West was able to do so on a “dream planet” which effectively took the original Scarlet Speedster back to his early days. Believing that Wally was the Reverse Flash in disguise, Barry was snapped out of it by Linda Park, Wally’s wife who also happens to have super speed of her own.
With Barry brought back to his senses, Allen reveals that the rest of the Justice League didn’t die when they were seemingly atomized by Pariah, but were rather transported to similar worlds where their wildest dreams might have come true:
The issue then drew to a close with the Flash Family returning to their proper universe as Barry dove deeper into the multiverse in a bid to find the Justice League, with Earth being threatened by quite a few supervillains in the absence of some of DC’s biggest heroes. Jeremy Adams’ recent run on the Scarlet Speedster has transitioned almost entirely from Barry Allen as the Flash to that of Wally West, with the series focusing on Wally’s exploits as both a superhero and a family man. While it hasn’t been revealed whether Barry will take the reins of the series once Dark Crisis ends, it will definitely be interesting to see which speedster holds onto the mantle following the major event.
How do you think DC’s Dark Crisis will come to an end? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and Wally West.