'The Flash' Episode 100 Will Bring Back Past Speedster Villains

Episode 100 will be a big milestone for CW's The Flash, and it could end up bringing back some of [...]

Episode 100 will be a big milestone for CW's The Flash, and it could end up bringing back some of the series' biggest villains for the occasion.

Over the course of the show, Barry Allen has faced some significant opposition from other speedsters, including Savitar, Zoom, and the Reverse Flash, and it seems at least one of those will be making a return for the big 100th episode. The voice of Zoom himself Tony Todd (Candyman franchise) spoke to fans at MCM ComicCon, where he said that the 100th episode of The Flash will have some speedsters returning "wanting a piece of Barry".

Naturally that leads us to believe that Zoom (played by Teddy Sears and voiced by Todd) will make a return during the episode, or at least a cameo, but for now, we'll have to wait and see how it shakes out.

"Confirmed today at @MCMComicCon by @TonyTodd54 The Flash episode 100 will feature some speedsters returning "wanting a piece of Barry" we can't wait ⚡️⚡️⚡️ #Zoom #Theflash #reverseflash 🤫🤫"

Zoom isn't the villain who would be up for a return to the show, as David Dastmalchian is also down to make another appearance. Dastmalchian played villain Abra Kadabra on the show but has not returned in some time.

"You know the flash is creeping up on their 100th episode soon and I think that Abracadabra should show up and finally teach old Barry a lesson for once," Dastmalchian said. "I think he needs to bring the hammer down on him. That's another show that's shrouded in secrecy so even if I knew something, I couldn't tell you something, or I would have to wave my magic wand and make your memory melt and forget about it. So we'll see, but here's hoping."

Hopefully, we'll learn more of what is in store for Flash 100 soon, but in the meantime, the show will introduce fans to Rag Doll, who will be played by Troy James. That episode is set to debut on November 13th.

The Flash airs on Tuesday nights at 8 p.m. ET/PT, before episodes of Black Lightning on The CW.