Young 'Aquaman' Actor Thanks Jason Momoa for Being a Mentor

One of the cast members of Warner Bros.' Aquaman movie seems to be pretty positively affected by [...]

One of the cast members of Warner Bros.' Aquaman movie seems to be pretty positively affected by star Jason Momoa.

Kaan Guldur, who will be portraying a 9-year-old version of Arthur Curry in the film, recently shared a photo of him and Momoa together. In the caption of the post, which you can check out below, Guldur calls his older counterpart "the most incredible mentor".

It's a pretty adorable post, one that showcases the unique sort of inspiration that Momoa's Aquaman is setting out to be. Even if the hero is being described as "someone you can have a beer with", there's still a goal of making him a genuine hero.

"I feel like the good thing about having something that isn't really established is I get the opportunity to kind of set the world, set the tone, and set the flavor for who this guy is, and the world that he lives in," director James Wan said during a set visit last year. "That's what we love about superheroes, right? We love that they represent the best part of who we want to be, right? What we strive for, and what we aspire to be. And I think what I liked most about this character, and actually what Jason Momoa brings to it, is the idea that this is a guy who's kind of trapped between two worlds. He doesn't feel like he belonged in the surface world, but he doesn't feel like he belongs in the world of Atlantis as well, the underwater world."

"Like 70% of our planet is water, right? So in a lot of ways he is the most powerful superhero." Wan explained in a later interview. "So you know, I'm well aware going into this, that he has been somewhat of a joke in the superhero world for so long. And I'm not shying away from that, I'm leaning into it and taking what you think is a joke and trying to make it super cool."

Are you excited to see Guldur and Momoa bring Arthur Curry to life in Aquaman? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

Aquaman will be released in theaters on December 21st.