'Arrow' Recap With Spoilers: "Due Process"

'Due Process' starts with Ricardo Diaz questioning Anatoly, who's been restrained to a chair. Diaz [...]

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(Photo: The CW)

"Due Process" starts with Ricardo Diaz questioning Anatoly, who's been restrained to a chair. Diaz begins using a blow torch to torture Anatoly and says he'll only stop if Anatoly agrees to help him "destroy Oliver Queen."

Oliver and Stanley are grabbing food in the prison's mess hall. A guard comes to inform Oliver he has a visitor or when Oliver goes to the visitation room, he sees that Laurel has arrived to talk with him. Laurel takes pictures of Oliver's facial injuries and informs him they've uncovered the files taken from Doctor Parker. Oliver's unhappy with Laurel and warns her to stay away from his life.

In a flash forward, Dinah tells William and Roy that Felicity's been murdered. He continues to wonder why Felicity sent him on the mission he's on.

In the main timeline, Felicity uncovers information that Anatoly's group has been massacred. Laurel returns to inform Felicity that Oliver hates her but it might be too late, Laurel's unsure if she wants to represent him in his appeal. Felicity's tablet starts ringing an alarm and they've located Diaz and the Longbow Hunters.

Felicity and Laurel converge on the location and as they arrived, they're stopped by Rene who decides to help them. The three go inside and find Anatoly in a crate and Dinah arrives with ARGUS. They take Anatoly out of the crate and find out it's been rigged with a bomb. Fortunately enough, everyone's able to make it out safely.

The groups go back to ARGUS, where Diggle's upset that Felicity thwarted another ARGUS operation. In order to work together, Diggle refuses to work with Rene if he continues working with the new Green Arrow and Laurel since she's not from this earth. A frustrated Laurel storms out.

In the future, Dinah pulls Roy aside and they discuss whether or not they can trust William.

Armed guards arrive at Stanley's cell to take him to the Hole because Officer Dunbar — the last person Stanley interacted with the previous day — was found murdered. Oliver realizes that Brick must have set up Stanley and goes to confront him in the cafeteria. Brick threatens to do the same to Oliver.

Initial hesitant, Anatoly's eventually convinced to help out ARGUS track down Diaz. They locate Piotr, a former KGB agent that might have access to the villain. Anatoly's nearly able to get the information from Piotr's laptop, but he's compromised and knocked out by Piotr's henchmen. Diggle rushes into the warehouse and takes out Piotr and his men, rescuing Anatoly in the process.

Back at ARGUS, Diggle lectures Felicity on her carelessness involving the Diaz case.

At SuperMax, Oliver's able to sneak off and visit Stanley in the Hole. Once he gets there, he sees his former cellmate is nearly beat beyond recognition. Oliver reassures Stanley he'll find out who really killed Dunbar. Oliver heads to the showers and is able to find a potential murder weapon hidden away in one of the stalls.

In court, Laurel shows the pictures of a beaten Oliver to a judge, trying to convince her he's changed in prison Even after a passionate please from Laurel, the still denies Oliver's appeal.

Oliver turns in the murder weapon and the prison apparently finds thumbprints from Ben Turner. Guards raid the cafeteria to take Turner away to the Hole.

Felicity goes to visit Anatoly in the med bay at ARGUS. She apologizes for getting him involved but Anatoly reminds her that he's the one that chose to participate.

Outside of the courthouse, Laurel's about to attack the judge that denied their appeal except Dinah steps in and stops her.

Felicity, Diggle, and Curtis uncover a plan of Diaz's that includes blowing up a natural gas refinery. Diggle orders a city-wide evacuation while he assembles Team Arrow to deactivate the bombs. Diggle tracks Diaz to the top of the refinery, where the two fight. Dinah and Rene race up to help out but they're stopped by all three Longbow Hunters.

Diaz is about to detonate the bombs remotely through his phone when it's shot out of his hand by the new Green Arrow. Diggle's able to knock Diaz out, although the Longbow Hunters are able to escape. Diaz is placed behind bars.

Diggle congratulates Felicity on her hard work on the case, but she still seems disappointed.

Laurel returns to the SuperMax and informs Oliver his appeal has been denied. On her way out, Felicity texts Laurel to say Diaz has been captured.

Felicity informs Anatoly he's been placed into the witness protection program and will be relocated to the Maldives. They give her access to Diaz's holding cell and while she's in there, she threatens to shoot him. Laurel busts in to tell Felicity that she made a deal with the feds. Star City PD will trade Diaz to the federal government in exchange for Oliver's release, provided he helps the feds build a case against Diaz.

The episode ends with Stanley returning to normal life in the cafeteria. He's ecstatic to get out and accidentally reveals to Oliver that he may have planted the blade with Turner's DNA on it.