Batman V Superman Projected To Be Less Profitable Than Man Of Steel

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice is looking to be quite profitable for Warner Bros., but as it [...]

(Photo: DC Entertainment)

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice is looking to be quite profitable for Warner Bros., but as it starts to slow in ticket sales, it seems it won't pass its equally divisive cousin, Man of Steel.

The film is slated to cross $300 million domestically, one of only 50 to do that, which is nothing to sneeze at. Still, the Marvel films are able to generate an average of 44% net profit. To accomplish that, Batman V Superman would have to earn $1.15 billion worldwide, a number that seems out of reach unless something just magically changes.

"I'm sure that it's a bit of a disappointment," SNL Kagan Analyst Wade Holden said. "They were probably hoping for box-office numbers similar to 'Avengers: Age of Ultron,' since 'Batman v Superman' had DC's three most well-known comic book heroes together in the same movie"

Age of Ultron brought in $853 million overall. Not only that, but Man of Steel grossed $300 million in profit for the studio on a smaller budget while Batman V Superman is on pace to deliver a profit of $278 million. Not chump change, but not enough to warrant the huge inflation of budget needed to make the film.

via Bloomberg Technology

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Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice is now playing in theaters.