Batwoman: "Broken Toys" Synopsis Released

The CW has released a synopsis for "Broken Toys", the eleventh episode of Batwoman's third episode. While the synopsis doesn't go too far into specifics, it does reveal that Ryan Wilder / Batwoman (Javicia Leslie) is at risk of having her identity revealed publicly, which is juxtaposed with a team-up between some of the show's villains. It's safe to assume that will probably involve Marquis Jet (Nick Creegan), who has been operating as The Joker, and Mary Hamilton (Nicole Kang), who is working as the new Poison Ivy.

"DYNAMIC DUOS – Just when it seems things can't get worse...Batwoman's (Javicia Leslie) identity is once again at risk of being exposed, and some of Gotham's most villainous unite. Sophie (Meagan Tandy) joins Luke (Camrus Johnson) on a mission and Alice (Rachel Skarsten) gets into Mary's (Nicole Kang) head. Also starring Robin Givens and Nick Creegan. Camrus Johnson directed the episode written by Chad Fiveash, James Stoteraux and Natalie Abrams."

"It's crazy. It's wild, actually," Creegan explained in an interview. "Yeah, I've done a lot of processing the past few weeks, months, you know? It's still surreal to me. It's been a wild ride for me. You know, the reception of the new Joker, being the first person of color to play this role – the messages and the love I've been getting has just been overwhelming. It's been a fun ride."

"One of the most cool parts about this role is knowing that I eventually transitioned into the Joker, right?" Creegan continued. "So it was interesting because this one fan tweeted the other day, she said 'I rewatched all the episodes after Episode 7 and I could see Nick subtly injecting moments of the Joker into Marquis from the beginning,'" Creegan revealed. "There were certain little smirks and things that were going on and the wheels are turning. So, from the beginning, I was just having so much fun being charming and feeding off people's vulnerability, and you know, making people feel empathy on set. I didn't really have a hard time balancing the charm because there was always this undertone of madness and craziness. And, you know, each director that I worked with on each episode always reminded me like, 'Nick just remember to layer in that like little bit of insanity where it's like, this dude – Is this dude OK? Now he's fine, right?'"

Batwoman airs Wednesdays at 9/8c on The CW. "Broken Toys" is set to air on February 3rd.