Birds of Prey Star Unsure About Return for Black Canary Movie

A Black Canary film is officially in development at HBO Max, featuring Jurnee Smollett's return as [...]

A Black Canary film is officially in development at HBO Max, featuring Jurnee Smollett's return as the character she first played in Birds of Prey. While Smollett's role is already locked in, fans have been speculating on potential Birds of Prey costars that could be joining the Lovecraft Country alumnus in the HBO Max Original feature.

For those hoping to see Mary Elizabeth Winstead's Huntress in the movie, you may not want to hold your breath. According to the actor, she's yet to be in contact with Warner Brothers regarding appearing in the Black Canary solo film.

"I'm super excited about the Black Canary movie. I love Jurnee, I love the work that she did and I can't wait to see what they do with that," Winstead recently told Collider. "I have no idea what other characters are gonna potentially be involved. I don't know if Huntress is gonna continue on in some way. You know, there are so many different iterations of Huntress whether it's in the comics or in TV and film, and so I don't know if my version of her is gonna continue on. But, I do love her and if there was an opportunity to do that then I would be down for it, so we'll see!"

Earlier in the month, Winstead told's Patrick Cavanaugh she's "down for anything" regarding Huntress and the return of her character.

"I'm down for anything, really," Winstead shared at the time. "I think Huntress is such a fun character, I don't know if there's any plans in the future to continue that version of Huntress, because there's a few different versions out there, in the comic books there's different versions, so I don't know if that's what's in store. But I'm happy I got the chance to do at least one iteration of her and if that iteration continues then I'd love to be a part of it, but we'll see what happens."

The Black Canary solo film has yet to set a release date with HBO Max.

What other DC characters are you hoping to see get a movie? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section!