Creature Commandos is an early success for James Gunn and Peter Safran’s DCU. Gunn’s superhero projects don’t miss, and the way he combined pathos, humor, and high action made Creature Commandos a series for the ages. One of the more important aspects of the show’s success is its use of rather obscure DC characters. Gunn took a group of DC‘s C- and D-listers and showed that with the right attention, any character can shine like Batman or Superman. DC has legions of characters like this, all ready for their close-up.
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The DCU is putting a lot of spotlight on lesser-known DC characters, and that’s the right way to go. Not every superhero has to be about a superstar, but every hero should have the potential for it. DC Studios can scour DC’s back catalog, and find numerous characters that would translate to amazing adventures on the big and small screen.
Below you’ll find some of the more compelling DC characters who all deserve to get the Creature Commandos treatment.

Jack Kirby helped codify the language of superheroes in the Silver Age, working with Stan Lee to create the greatest run of superhero comics of all time at Marvel. Kirby’s working relationship with Lee and Marvel eventually imploded and he went to DC. While there, Kirby created legions of amazing characters, from the New Gods of New Genesis and Apokolips to the rhyming son of Hell the Demon to the futuristic O.M.A.C., running the gamut of sci-fi, fantasy, and superhero concepts. Kirby did what he always did — created legends that would inspire fans for generations.
One of the best pieces of Kirby’s work from this period is Kamandi: The Last Boy on Earth. Kamandi’s story is set in the far future, with the titular character being one of the last humans on Earth after the Great Disaster. Kamandi was trapped in a world of ruined and sentient animals, fighting to survive a world that hated him, and that’s rich storytelling soil. Kamandi would be perfect for the next big animated DCU project, giving fans post-apocalyptic thrills of the highest order.
Animal Man

Animal Man is DC’s most famous obscure character. Buddy Baker was introduced in the Silver Age as a character with a cool power set and a bland personality and life. However, all of that would change in the 1980s, as writer Grant Morrison and artist Chas Troug teamed up for Animal Man, a series that redefined the animal-powered hero for a new generation. He became a vegetarian and an eco-warrior, fighting for the rights of animals, and his family got fleshed out, making the Bakers one of the best families in comics. However, Morrison also decided to explore the interaction of fiction and the real world in the series, which is what has made that classic book so beloved.
To the vast majority of DC fans, Animal Man is just a character with a silly name who comic fans wax poetically about. Gunn is known for his love of Grant Morrison’s work, so if there’s any time for Animal Man to make his way into pop culture, it’s right now. An Animal Man DCU series can either adapt the classic comics or just give fans the adventures of Animal Man, his wife Ellen, and their kids Cliff and Maxine. It could be high-concept superhero art or a fun romp with a great character and supporting cast, and either way would be worth it.
Ambush Bug

The late, great Keith Giffen was a DC legend, creating stories and characters that showed off every facet of the DC Universe. Giffen has a raft of great titles under his belt — Legion of Superheroes, Justice League International, Blue Beetle, and Lobo. One of his most fun creations is Ambush Bug, a character who presaged the fourth-wall-breaking hijinks of Deadpool years before the Merc with a Mouth made his first appearance. Ambush Bug is the perfect comedy character and would be excellent in any capacity in the DCU.
Ambush Bug feels completely at home in a James Gunn project. His teleportation powers, dumb luck, and unerring ability to get into huge mischief would make him an entertaining addition to any show or movie. Humorous characters like Ambush Bug have an important place in the pantheon of DC and few funny DC characters fit into the new DCU like Ambush Bug.

JSA was one of DC’s big 2024 announcements, a book built around the heroes of the Golden Age and their predecessors. The Justice Society of America is full of great characters, but Hourman’s legacy is one of the more interesting. Rex Tyler created the Miraclo pill, which gave him superhuman strength and durability for an hour at a time. The pills were also highly addictive, causing him to become addicted to his costumed lifestyle. Rex was able to create a non-addictive version of Miraclo, but still had to deal with the aftermath of his disease. The family bug also bit his son Rick, who became the second Hourman, working hard to live up to his father’s legacy and keep his sobriety. There is also a third Hourman, but he was a nanotech colony lifeform from the future, created from the DNA of the Tyler family.
Hourman’s struggles with addiction, both those of Rex and Rick, can be used to tell powerful stories in the DCU. Creature Commandos introduced DC WWII characters like Sgt. Rock and Easy Company, so establishing the Golden Age legacy of the Justice Society shouldn’t be too much of a stretch. Hourman’s story makes him the perfect Justice Society member to spotlight, with the themes inherent in the character taking superheroes to a new place.
Metal Men

Creature Commandos itself set up the Metal Men. G.I. Robot was given to roboticist Will Magnus in the show in the past, who took a look at what made G.I. Robot tick. DC fans were ecstatic at this scene, because it meant that there was a chance for the Metal Men to appear. Magnus created the responsometer, which allowed him to create intelligent robots with complex personalities. He also used metals from the periodic table in his work, creating Gold, Iron, Platinum, Lead, Tin, and Mercury. Each of them had powers relating to their elements, making the Metal Men a formidable unit when they weren’t bickering among themselves.
Gunn basically telegraphed an upcoming Metal Men project at some point. A show about the Metal Men, taking place in the 1960s or ’70s, would be amazing. It would allow fans to see how the new DCU developed, as well as give them one of the more entertaining groups in DC history. The Metal Men represent an important technological link between G.I. Robot and the present day, and that link should be explored.
Detective Chimp

Detective Chimp is a character that is ready for superstardom. Detective Chimp was created to take advantage of the fact that comics with apes on their cover sold better, and over the years has become a respected member of the superhero community, working with Wonder Woman and the Justice League Dark, as well as the magical team known as the Shadowpact. Detective Chimp is a simple character — a chimpanzee given the power to speak who decides to become a detective — and fits in well with the DCU established in The Suicide Squad, Peacemaker, and Creature Commandos.
Detective Chimp is a smoking, drinking chimp with an acerbic wit, which are all points in his favor. His knowledge of the seedier side of the DC magical universe makes him a doorway character to the best magical characters in comics. Detective Chimp has appeared previously in Batman: The Brave and the Bold in a form more in line with his Silver Age portrayal, but an entry into the DCU could bring the modern version of the character to life in all his glory. Andy Serkis as Detective Chimp is worth any amount of money.