Kevin Smith Comments on the Comic Book Movie Overload Debate

Is Hollywood making too many comic book films? @ThatKevinSmith answers at the [...]

Comics continue to provide fantastic source material for films, and many are hopeful that Warner Bros. Suicide Squad continues the successful trend.

At the Suicide Squad red carpet, Variety had a minute to talk to Director and well known comic enthusiast Kevin Smith, and asked "Is Hollywood making too many comic book films? @ThatKevinSmith answers at the #SuicideSquadPremiere"

Smith's love of the medium is well known, so it shouldn't be a surprise what his answer is, but that doesn't take away from the greatness of his response.

Kevin Smith

"Look who you're asking. Look how I'm dressed, are you serious? You got me for five minutes and you're going to ask that question? No, they need to make more dude. I don't care if they're quote unquote bad or something, the more you see the better it is. Like, make it as, as ubiquitous as the western was in the fifties I say, because what's better than little morality tales. Some of them are going to be wonderful, some may be not as wonderful, but let em make them all. There's no such thing as too many of these things."

While the blockbuster genre as a whole has taken a few hits this year in the box office numbers, comic properties done well are still pulling their weight, with many excited for DC's aforementioned Suicide Squad and Marvel's upcoming Doctor Strange to round out the year. With films like Wonder Woman, Guardian's of the Galaxy Vol.2, Thor Ragnarok, and Justice League coming in 2017, the thirst for superhero films doesn't seem to be dying anytime soon.