'Legends of Tomorrow' Boss on How Mallus Sets up Season 4 Villains

The latest season of Legends of Tomorrow has forced the team to deal with a threat unlike anything [...]

The latest season of Legends of Tomorrow has forced the team to deal with a threat unlike anything they've ever faced. And while they might defeat the evil entity known as Mallus in tomorrow's finale, the demon is just the tip of the iceberg.

While speaking about the finale and the danger Mallus has presented to the Legends, co-showrunner Phil Klemmer teased what fans can expect when John Constantine joins the team full-time in Season 4.

"[Mallus] is a sort of bellwether of bad guys to come in Season 4," Klemmer said to TVLine. "Up until this point, we've been dealing with earthly and historical bad guys, and we certainly had fun with all of that, but this year we dabbled in the world of the occult, through Damien Darhk and his enterprises.

"But you know that Constantine is coming onto the show [as a regular] next season, so we want to go deeper, we want Mallus to be used as 'the tip of the iceberg.' He is not human, and we want to start playing with the idea that Earth hasn't always belonged just to our kind."

It sounds like the team of time travelers will be dealing with new kinds of villains beyond the typical super villains they're familiar with. And with Constantine coming on board, they'll likely to be better equipped to tackle enemies that won't be defeated through fisticuffs and superpowers.

"We want to get into the world of fantastic myths and monsters a bit more. It's kind of presumptuous for anybody to think they have ownership of this Earth or any part of it," Klemmer said. "Not to get deep into immigration metaphors, but Mallus is an ancient evil, he doesn't understand humans and doesn't understand why we have any claim to controlling this world of ours."

The totems will play a big role in defeating Mallus, though Klemmer warned they "will not work the way you're expecting them to," promising that the finale will be the right brand of ridiculousness that has become typical of Legends of Tomorrow.

But while the heroes are likely to save they day, every season ends with some sort of major setback for the Waverider crew. And it looks like this finale will likely include the departure of a team member.

""It does [pave the way for an exit], it does," Klemmer said. "There's heartbreak in the finale. A Legend leaves."

We'll find out who leaves and what villain could lurk on the horizon in tomorrow's season finale of Legends of Tomorrow, airing on The CW.

Are you excited to find out what threat the Legends will face in Season 4? Who do you think it will be? Let us know what you think in the comments!