Former Superman Actor Dean Cain Gets In Heated Argument With Tom Arnold

Politics seems to be at the center of a lot of debate these days, and the latest in that trend […]

Politics seems to be at the center of a lot of debate these days, and the latest in that trend occurred between the Lois & Clark Superman actor Dean Cain and Hunt for the Trump TapesTom Arnold.

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The back and forth between the two actually started on Twitter, but the Cain and Arnold met face to face backstage during appearances on Larry King Now. Arnold previous posted a tweet that said “@RealDeanCain is another @realDonaldTrump loving fake Christian coward which makes Dean Cain anti-LGBTQ & racist. #complicit.” Arnold was seemingly referring to Cain’s appearance at the Values Voter Summit, which was hosted by The Family Research Council, a conservative Christian organization that has caused controversy for their approach to the LGBTQ community.

Cain responded to that tweet by saying “Tom, you’re a cowardly, slanderous weasel.” So you can understand that when the two met face to face the conversation got heated, and someone in the room started filming (via THR).

Arnold first wanted Cain to show him the tweet he was referring to, repeating that a few times, with Cain replying “I’m not a racist person; I never have been.”

Arnold then went into detail about why he is adamantly against the Family Research Council. “They’re hurting people โ€” you know how many suicides of f****** gay kids? โ€ฆ They f****** shame them and they try to keep them out of f****** schools. โ€ฆ Please hear me. That’s why it’s so visceral. โ€ฆ I don’t want those f****** using you,” Arnold told Cain.

“I’ve always supported gay rights. โ€ฆ Let me finish for a second,” Cain said. “You’re giving me guilt by association. Nobody is using me. I speak my mind.”

Cain was promoting his film Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer while Arnold was promoting his project The Hunt for the Trump Tapes with Tom Arnold. The two ended up hugging at the end of the exchange, though things fired back up on social media later on after Cain posted a tweet saying “He called me #racist and said I was anti-LGBTQ. Totally untrue. After I confronted him, he backed down. That’s how it always seems to work.”

Later Arnold would respond to Cain’s comments. “I didn’t back down,” Arnold told THR. “I was giving him a break by not assuming he was stupid about the FRC, which I do liken to Nazis, and now I see he’s one of them.”

Part of the issue for Arnold also lies in Cain’s starring in Gosnell in the first place. Gosnell is based on the true story of Kermit Gosnell, an abortion doctor. “It’s a shit-f****** movie,” Arnold said.

“He played this icon, Superman, but he’s an idiot,” Arnold said. “If he wanted to fight, I took my glasses off for him. He’s a f****** p****. Next time I see him we’ll get it going and his buddy can film it.”

You can watch the video above.