The Batman: Zoe Kravitz Talks Fan Expectations, Praises Matt Reeves

After a bit of a delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic, The Batman is set to head into theaters next spring, bringing a brand new take on the DC Comics mythos. The film will feature a star-studded ensemble, including Zoe Kravitz, who will be bringing to life Selina Kyle / Catwoman, and whose take on the character has already become a fan favorite just off of seconds of footage. in a recent interview with AnotherMag, Kravitz spoke about the pressure and expectations of joining such a massive project, and teased a bit of how director and co-writer Matt Reeves is approaching the film.

"[The fans] are [hardcore], and because I respect them so much I chose not to think about them when making the movie," Kravitz explained. "If I'm thinking about wanting everyone to like it and wanting all the fans to like it, I'm not going to actually bring a real person to life. Matt wrote a really interesting story with a complex character, and the relationships are really interesting. All I wanted to do was honour that story."

"Sometimes with really big movies, it can feel like you're just a puppet and part of this big machine," Kravitz continued. "This felt like an independent movie in the way that there was real heart and soul and thought being put into the process and into every scene. It was incredibly collaborative. Matt's very specific. It took him a year to make this because of Covid. We were in this bubble, really in this world, and it was an incredible experience. To spend a year of your life, and it's very physically demanding ... I had to be in very specific shape, and there's a pandemic going on. I'm being zipped into a catsuit every day at 7am, working 12-hour days and then coming home and working out. It was intense."

The Batman will see Robert Pattinson bringing about an entirely new take on the character, with a cast that also includes Colin Farrell as The Penguin, Paul Dano as The Riddler, John Turturro as Carmine Falcone, Peter Sarsgaard as Gil Colson, Jayme Lawson as Bella Real, Barry Keoghan as Officer Stanley Merkel, and Andy Serkis as Alfred Pennyworth.

Are you excited to see Zoe Kravitz's take on Catwoman in The Batman? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

The Batman is currently set to be released on March 4, 2022.