The Flash: "Armageddon, Part 5" Preview Reveals Mia Queen's Return

This week on The Flash, Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) raced to the future and figured out exactly who was responsible for the series of misfortune leading to the "Armageddon" that brought Despero to his door and even managed to undo things by stopping said perpetrator: Eobard Thawne/Reverse Flash (Tom Cavanagh). However, while Thawne's plan may have been thwarted, the fight's not quite over yet. The CW has released a preview for "Armageddon, Part 5", the final episode of the five-part "Armageddon" event kicking off The Flash's eighth season and in it, not only does Thawne still have at least one trick left up his sleeve, but there's another familiar face coming to Central City by way of the future: Mia Queen/Green Arrow (Katherine McNamara).

As you can see in the preview below, there aren't a ton of details about the episode, but you can clearly see Mia suited up as Green Arrow as well as someone else mentioning that the timeline is fighting back against what Thawne did, which could be catastrophic for the evil speedster. You can check out the episode synopsis below as well.

"THE EXCITING CONCLUSION TO THE FIVE PART ARMAGEDDON EVENT BRINGS THE RETURN OF MIA QUEEN – The conclusion to Armageddon presents an opportunity for The Flash (Grant Gustin) to end his lifelong battle with Reverse Flash (guest star Tom Cavanagh) for good, but the payoff could be too much for Barry and team to handle. Meanwhile, Mia Queen (guest star Katherine McNamara) drops in from the future looking to save a lost loved one, and she won't let anything stand in her way. Menhaj Huda directed the episode written by Kristen Kim."

The idea that Mia is looking to save a lost loved one is a particularly interesting detail of the synopsis. The penultimate episode of Arrow, "Green Arrow & The Canaries", was a backdoor pilot for a spinoff that would have centered around Mia as Green Arrow operating in Star City in 2040 with Dinah Drake/Black Canary and Laurel Lance/Black Siren. The episode closed with cloaked figures ambushing Mia and her brother at a memorial statue dedicated to Oliver with William ending up kidnapped. The spinoff was unfortunately not picked up by The CW, so Mia's appearance in "Armageddon" may serve as an opportunity to wrap up that cliffhanger – and The Flash showrunner Eric Wallace has even suggested fans should revisit that backdoor pilot.

"You might need to. I'm not saying the Black Canaries are in the show alongside Mia, but those events mattered, right? They mattered," Wallace said. "So be prepared to continue Mia's journey in a very unexpected way, but yet in a way that makes sense and honors her past. That was very important to us."

The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8/7c on The CW. "Armageddon, Part 5" airs on Tuesday, December 14th.