This Is What Jeffrey Dean Morgan Could Look Like As Flashpoint Batman

In the television universe, however, the second season of The Flash will delve into the well liked [...]

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(Photo: BossLogic)

Jeffrey Dean Morgan is building himself an enormous amount of geek cred lately. The talented actor has been involved in a myriad of comic related properties now, including his role as Clay in The Losers and his newest portrayal, the iconic villain known as Negan in The Walking Dead.

He also portrayed Thomas Wayne in Zack Synder's Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, and if it were up to Morgan, his time in the role wouldn't stop there. He meets his untimely end early on in the film, adhering to Batman's well-known origin.

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(Photo: BossLogic)

In the television universe, however, the second season of The Flash will delve into the well liked Flashpoint storyline seen in the comics, and that means a certain Thomas Wayne could play a big part. Artist extraordinaire BossLogic has given us a glimpse of what Morgan could look like under the weary cowl of Flashpoint's Batman.

Yeah, I'm sold.

The look in the comics was extremely streamlined, with the main differences being the red and black color scheme. In the Flashpoint universe, Thomas Wayne becomes Batman after the death of his son, Bruce. It's a part that Morgan himself has expressed interest in. "Man, I would love to play that Batman... It would be very cool," Jeffrey Dean Morgan said before adding, "Flashpoint would be very cool."

Who know, maybe it will actually happen. I know many fans would be thrilled if it did.