This week’s new episode of Titans on DC Universe introduces audiences to Doctor Light, one of the new villains of the second season, played by Ozark’s Michael Mosley. He’s only featured enough to set up his powers and rivalry with the old Titans team, but it looks like he’ll have a much bigger role in the third episode next week. After episode two was released on DC Universe Friday morning, the streaming service put up a photo from the upcoming installment as a placeholder, and it features Doctor Light in his full costume.
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If you think back to the trailer for Titans Season 2, there was a short bit that featured two characters fighting in a dark tunnel, one of them wearing a very specific suit of armor. This photo confirms that the man in the scene is in fact Doctor Light, which means there’s a pretty substantial battle on the way.
You can take a look at the new photo of Doctor Light below!
Of course, Doctor Light is only one of the villains joining Titans in the second season. The most talked-about new addition this season is the Titans’ arch-nemesis, Deathstroke, played by Esai Morales. Deathstroke was introduced to the show in the first episode of the new season, but only briefly, as he’s set for a bigger role as the show continues.
A few different actors have played Slade Wilson/Deathstroke in various mediums over the years, and Morales has been nothing but excited to continue their DC legacy.
“I am both thrilled and honored to inhabit the character and supersuit of Slade Wilson/Deathstroke,” Morales told fans on Facebook. “I am having the time of my life in the role for a variety of reasons but mostly because he’s just such a badass and very much willing and able to take on all comers to protect his family and his reputation at his craft. Thank you all for such a warm and lovely welcome. I can’t wait to see what you think.”
There’s no telling at this point how Doctor Light and Deathstroke will factor into each other’s stories as the new season of Titans continues, but it’s clear that Dick Grayson and his team are seriously going to have their hands full for the foreseeable future.
What do you think of Titans Season 2 so far? Are you looking forward to seeing Doctor Light and Deathstroke in action? Let us know in the comments!