Watchmen: First Reactions to HBO’s Series Premiere

After a long wait, months of speculation, and weeks of critical analysis, fans are finally able to […]

After a long wait, months of speculation, and weeks of critical analysis, fans are finally able to watch the series premiere of Watchmen and judge the comic book series for themselves. How does it hold up to the comic book? Does it respect the source material? Is it worth watching? And does it justify its existence? Well, the jury might still be out for many of these questions, the first episode does establish that it’s taking a very different direction from what fans might have expected. And now they’re speaking out about it.

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The first episode of Watchmen just aired on HBO TV, and of course fans have a lot to say. Whether it’s the mysterious plot about the man who might be Ozymandias, the hateful legacy of Rorschach, the brutal portrayal of the Tulsa race riots, or even the new characters that take center stage, there is a lot to process.

And it wouldn’t be Watchmen if it didn’t give people a lot of topics to discuss, so the show is trying to make up for lost time from when the original comic series ended nearly four decades ago.

But the show is here now, and the discourse has begun. Here is what people are saying about the series premiere of Watchmen on HBO.

Jamelle Bouie of the New York Times

Karama Horne of The Blerd Gurl

Saladin Ahmed

Matt Goldberg of Collider

Scott Wampler of Birth.Movies.Death

Rob Liefeld

Brendan Hodges of Metaplex