Today Sledgehammer Games took to Facebook Live for the first in a series of Making of Call of Duty: WWII livestreams, and a few morsels of interesting information were spilled. The makers of the latest Call of Duty took questions from fans, and, frankly, most of them were rather inane, but a few of the queries touched on some interesting territory. One person asked whether Call of Duty: WWII would be recreating the Battle of the Bulge, and the game’s head writer Bret Robbins confirmed it would.
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“I’m not sure I’m supposed to say this, but I’m going to say it anyway — yes, we go to the Battle of the Bulge. That’s a huge battle and we had to include it.”
The Battle of the Bulge, which took place during late 1944/early ’45, was the German army’s last major offensive operating of the war. They attacked Belgium, France and Luxembourg during the dead of winter, taking the Allied forces by surprise. The Bulge was the American Army’s biggest World War II battle, during which they suffered the heaviest casualties, and is pretty much essential for any World War II game focused on U.S. soldiers, but it had yet to be confirmed by Activision of Sledgehammer.
During the livestream, Robbins was also asked whether Call of Duty: WWII‘s promised female characters were historically accurate.
“[Female characters] are historically accurate. We knew we’d have a challenge a little bit with diversity coming into this, but after doing a lot of research on the French Resistance, they had a lot of female fighters. So, we have a French Resistance character Rousseau who leads one of the Paris Resistance groups, and you get to play as her a little bit. We have female characters in multiplayer, and Zombies, and throughout the game.”
A few of Robbins’ “no comments” were also interesting. When asked whether Call of Duty: WWII would let you play as Axis forces, he looked uncomfortable and refused to answer. He also seemed to walk back previous talk about Call of Duty: WWII not having regenerating health.
Call of Duty: WWII storms the beaches on November 3. You can check out all WWG’s latest Call of Duty coverage here, and our extensive back catalog of stories, right here.