Minecraft's Most Impressive Fantasy Castle Boasts Its Own Dragon

Minecraft is an incredibly fertile gaming ground for players to unleash their creativity and [...]

(Photo: TheRed1337)

Minecraft is an incredibly fertile gaming ground for players to unleash their creativity and harness that inner visionary. It's a guilty pleasure for some just how many hours are easily tankable into this game this nearly a decade old, but that hasn't stopped players from sharing their impressive in-game creations. Plus ... this also gives us an excuse to talk about dragons ... because ... come on, it's a DRAGON.


The creator known as 'TheRed1337', sat down with Minecraft.net to talk about the inspiration that went into this break taking creation. "I wanted to achieve the idea that when someone comes to visit my creation, they will see that the royal family is truly powerful enough to tame a dragon and hold a huge fortress for age," Adrian told the site.

There were many parts to his creation, including - that's right - A DRAGON! "That castle was one of my first big creations," he said. "I spent a lot of time making [it]. I'm least happy with the village part. I wanted to make it better. I think I placed it in the wrong spot, so it became difficult to make it look alright."


He didn't do it alone, however. He had help with his crew over at Team Visionary in order to create golums, dragons, and other various magical components to this build. The devil was definitely in the details for this project. Each block had a purpose, each addition had a grander plan. The creator explained the reasoning behind this - including the barely seen ships:

"In my opinion," says Adrian, "small details like ships, boats and other small flavours add immersion and depth." Organics may not be his forté, but this is an aspect of world-building that Adrian really excels in. Balancing the immense presence of dragons, golems, and royal palaces with the natural beauty of the land, as well as the small signs of life dotted about it, is not an easy task.

It's an impressive feat, to be sure! You can read more about what Adrian and his team had to say about this impressive project right here! Feel free to also sound off in the comment section below about your own thoughts of the magically composed Minecraft creation!