Fallout 3 Remaster "Confirmed" by Insider

A gaming insider has made claims that a remastered version of Fallout 3 will be present at [...]

Fallout 3

A gaming insider has made claims that a remastered version of Fallout 3 will be present at E3.

Bethesda's daylong Fallout teaser culminated today with the reveal of Fallout 76, a game with few details to speak of right now. Prior to the reveal, the teaser had Fallout fans speculating about if this would be an entirely new game or a remastered version of a previous game in the Fallout series. Fallout 3 Remastered was at the top of the list of suggestions, but even though it wasn't announced during the event, this proclaimed gaming insider says that it will be seen at E3.

The user by the name of SoMeh on Reddit shared a post several hours ago in the "Gaming" subreddit. SoMeh's title of the post said that "Bethesda is announcing Fallout: 76" and told everyone to screenshot the post and thank the user later. Fallout 76 was indeed announced, and SoMeh shared some additional details on what the user claims to know so far.

"I'm just a guy with his ear to the ground," the user said. "This is what I know: It's a full game, it's centered around building base camps etc and it's online. It will be fully released this year."

The slim details shared line up with what little is known about the game right now, so it does lend a bit of credibility to the statement. Just a bit further into the comments, Fallout 3 was mentioned when someone asked if the insider knew anything about a remastered version being presented during E3. Asked if there was any idea whether the game would be at E3 or not, the user simply replied "It is."

Other Redditors tried to press SoMeh for more information regarding whether this would be an upgraded port or if it would use Fallout 4's engine, but the insider said that he couldn't go into any more detail.

While a Fallout 3 Remastered announcement is something that any Fallout fan could get behind, it's worth pointing out that there's been some serious doubt cast on SoMeh's information. The user also mentioned details of Xbox's E3 lineup which caught the attention of the Xbox One subreddit. From there, a user did some snooping and followed SoMeh's history to warn others to temper their expectations.


from discussion Reddit user who leaked "Fallout 76" prior to its announcement says Microsoft is announcing a new Gears game, Halo game, Forza Horizon 4 and Sunset Overdrive 2.