Kong: Skull Island Director Wants To Make a Metroid Movie

Director Jordan Vogt-Roberts has made quite a name for himself in a short amount of time. Last [...]

Director Jordan Vogt-Roberts has made quite a name for himself in a short amount of time. Last year, he brought us the wildly entertaining monster romp Kong: Skull Island; and now he's knee deep in pre-production for his forthcoming adaptation of Metal Gear Solid, in which he's got Hideo Kojima's full approval.

Vogt-Roberts recently stopped by the IGN "Up at Noon" show to discuss his work on Metal Gear Solid, in which he's already handed in a script. It's still not a full-go just yet, but at least progress is being made.

During the discussion, however, he brought up another great project he'd like to work on -- Metroid. "I have a pitch for a Metroid movie. They'll never let me. It's too crazy. It legitimately would be her (Samus) alone. It would be a little bit of her talking to herself. As soon as they introduce other talking characters in those games, to me it loses everything. You put her alone and it's almost got more to do with the silence of a movie like Drive. Like the quietness. and having it be like a real, intense mood piece, but mixed with sci-fi," he explained.

He's been a gaming fan for a long time and he noted how Super Metroid had the greatest impact on him when he was a child. That in turn inspired him to work towards filmmaking, while at the same time inspiring others to do so as well. The Alien series was also brought up, mainly because there are easy comparisons between the two. We are talking about kick-ass women battling aliens, after all.

You can watch the whole interview above. It's only about 12 minutes or so but it's great to get inside Vogt-Roberts' head when it comes to his passion for filmmaking. And, yeah, we'd love to see what he could do for Metal Gear Solid. Bring it on!

In the meantime, while we wait to see if the film is going to get made, be sure to check out Kong: Skull Island. It's a blast and a whole lot of fun to watch.

Oh, and if you need a Metroid fix, check out Samus Returns on the 3DS right now. So good.