Today during a special panel at Anime Expo 2019, Bandai Namco announced that two Digimon games are coming to Nintendo Switch and PC this fall. More specifically, Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth and its follow-up Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth — Hacker’s Memory are coming to to Nintendo Switch and PC in a single package — dubbed Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition — on October 18. At the moment of publishing, it’s unclear how much the package will cost and whether a retail release is planned.
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As you may know, Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth first released back in March 2015 in Japan via the PlayStation Vita. It then hit worldwide in February 2016 via the Vita and PS4. Meanwhile, Hacker’s Memory arrived on PS4 and Vita in Japan in 2017, and then hit worldwide in 2018. The games still haven’t come to Xbox One, and it looks like they won’t be. Below, you can read more about each, courtesy of an official overview:
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth:
“Set in the near future, the line between the real and digital worlds is blurred. Logging into cyberspace is part of everyday life. For one teenager, a harmless on-line chat spawns a chance encounter with a mysterious hacker. Little did this teen know, this brief meeting would lead to a digi-monumental adventure. In Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth, scan, raise, and train your faithful Digimon companions to battle by your side against a group of hackers. Do you have what it takes to crack this digi-case?”
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth — Hacker’s Memory:
“Set in the near future, the line between the real and digital worlds is blurred and logging into cyberspace is a part of everyday life. In the shadows lurk hackers utilizing computer viruses called Digimon to commit mischief and crimes. Framed and accused of wrongdoings, Keisuke Amazawa has no choice but to dive into the digital world to not only clear his name and prove his innocence, but to protect his loved ones.”
As always, feel free to leave a comment or two with your thoughts. Will you be picking up this package when it hits Nintendo Switch and PC this October?