PewDiePie Pledges and Then Pulls $50,000 Donation to Anti-Hate Group

Felix 'PewDiePie' Kjellberg, the world's most popular YouTuber, has revealed that he's pulling his [...]

Felix "PewDiePie" Kjellberg, the world's most popular YouTuber, has revealed that he's pulling his $50,000 pledge he recently made to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). The reversal follows backlash from some of his fans about the initial announcement announcement and pledge. According to the YouTuber, he didn't know a great deal about the ADL prior to making the pledge, but after reading feedback and more into the organization, he decided to walk back the donation, noting it was a mistake to pick a charity recommended to him rather than one he's personal passionate about.

"I made the mistake of picking a charity that I was advised instead of picking a charity that I'm personally passionate about, which is 100 percent my fault," said PewDiePie in his most recent video. "Usually when I pick a charity, I take my time, I find a charity I'm really excited about and passionate to donate to."

PewDiePie continued, noting that he initially also thought it'd be a good opportunity to put an end to the alt-right label he's sometimes given.

"It wasn't to try and clear my name or save grace, if it was, I would have done it years ago, but after the Christ Church tragedy, I felt a responsibility to do something about it, because it's no longer just about me -- it affected other people in a way, and I'm not okay with that."

According to the YouTuber, he has struggled trying to figure out how to go about countering the claims made about him, but this certainly wasn't the way to do it.

"I knew it wasn't perfect, but I also didn't know a lot of things that surfaced throughout this whole thing about the charity that doesn't fit at all. So, I understand why people had concerns about it," admitted Kjellberg.

PewDiePie reveals that, for now, he isn't going to donate to a new charity, noting that it wouldn't feel genuine. However, this will change in the near-future as he takes the proper time to research what charity he'd like to give the money to.

"I'm sorry for all the confusion, and I'm sorry for messing this all up," concluded Kjellberg, before adding "That's what I do," with a thumbs up.