The Last of Us Part 2's No Multiplayer Divides Fans

Today, Naughty Dog and Sony Interactive Entertainment confirmed that The Last of Us Part II on PS4 [...]

Today, Naughty Dog and Sony Interactive Entertainment confirmed that The Last of Us Part II on PS4 won't have any multiplayer. Instead, Naughty Dog will be dumping extra resources into the game's single-player campaign. In fact, it's dumping so much into the campaign that The Last of Us Part II is its longest and most ambitious game to date. That said, as you would expect, this decision has divided players. On one hand, many PlayStation games are rejoicing, because it means more resources and attention devoted to the series strong point: it's story. On the other hand, while The Last of Us' multiplayer wasn't that popular, it did have its hardcore dedicated fans, who are unsurprisingly, upset to see it go. In fact, there's even a petition quickly growing for multiplayer to be added to the sequel.

Since the announcement, fans of the series have been weighing in on Twitter. Some are pretty furious, others are celebrating. Ultimately, it's going to be awhile before we know what the right decision was. The first game sold 17 million units, and the multilplayer gave it some staying power. Without it, it could struggle to maintain its place at the center of the industry's mindshare. Or, it could wind up delivering the best single-player story campaign of all-time with the extra resources. Only time will tell. In the meanwhile, well, people have their opinions.

Pro Multiplayer:

Anti Multiplayer:

The Last of Us Part II is in development for PS4. Barring any delay, it will release worldwide on February 21, 2020. For more news, media, and information on the game, click here.