Retro RPG CrossCode Coming to PS4

04/06/2018 07:08 pm EDT

Publisher Deck13 Interactive and developer Radical Fish Games have announced that their retro 2D action-RPG, CrossCode, is coming to PlayStation 4.

As you may know, the game is currently available on PC via Steam Early Access – where it launched back in 2015 – and has a release date set for sometime this year. It's currently unclear whether or not the PS4 edition will launch alongside the PC edition.

More specifically launching in Steam Early Access back in May 2015, CrossCode is notably coming up on its three year early access anniversary. Three years in early access is quite a long time, however, everything shown off of the game so far suggests the final product will be worth the wait.

If you can't wait any longer and happen to be attending PAX East – which started yesterday and is running until April 8th – you're in luck, the PS4 version of the game is playable at the show, though in what form wasn't divulged.

How much CrossCode will cost when it launches remains a mystery. Presumably, it will come in at a more budget-friendly indie price.

For those that don't know: CrossCode is an action RPG set in a distant future that combines 16-bit SNES-style graphics with a fast-paced combat system, a sci-fi story, and puzzle mechanics. You can read more on the game below, courtesy of an official overview via Deck 13:

CrossCode is a retro-inspired 2D Action RPG set in the distant future, combining 16-bit SNES-style graphics with butter-smooth physics, a fast-paced combat system, and engaging puzzle mechanics, served with a gripping sci-fi story.

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