
How to Watch AGDQ 2020

Awesome Games Done Quick (AGDQ) 2020 has officially begun! Like every year around this time, Games […]

Awesome Games Done Quick (AGDQ) 2020 has officially begun! Like every year around this time, Games Done Quick has returned to bring a week’s worth of video game speedruns to anyone with the time to watch. The marathon has already started, and the runners are currently in Mega Man 7 as of writing, but there’s still so much more on the way. If this is your first time watching, you’re in for a treat, but basically anyone can find something to enjoy in AGDQ’s schedule.

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Notable runs this year include one for Control as well as a lengthy any% (basically, beating the game with any percentage of completion) Final Fantasy VIII run, among others. You can check out the full schedule of games, runners and estimated times included, over on GDQ’s official website, and as previously mentioned, there’s almost certainly going to be something for you. It’s relatively easy to watch, too; the whole thing is set to stream on the Games Done Quick Twitch channel. It’s embedded below, for simplicity’s sake, but it’s also available via Twitch wherever you have access to the service as well as GDQ’s website. The whole thing will be archived after the fact as well.

This specific event benefits the Prevent Cancer Foundation. According to GDQ, the Prevent Cancer Foundation is one of the nation’s leading voluntary health organizations, and the United States non-profit organization focuses on cancer prevention and early detection.

What do you think of this year’s AGDQ schedule? Are you looking forward to any particular runs? Let us know in the comments, or hit me up directly on Twitter at @rollinbishop to talk all things gaming!

GDQ describes itself as “a charity fundraising organization that raises money for charity via speedrunning.” Volunteer speedrunners play through a variety of video games, across all generations, and it is stream live, non-stop, online. Each event is typically associated with one specific charity, with AGDQ 2020 specifically benefitting the aforementioned Prevent Cancer Foundation. You can check out all of our previous coverage of Games Done Quick right here.