
Next Apex Legends Event Adds a 30v30 Mode, Prestige Loba Skin

Apex’s next Collection Event starts very soon with a new game mode and more.

Apex Legends players who’ve long been asking for a a new big-team mode will finally get their wishes granted soon with the game’s next Collection Event. Dubbed the “Uprising Collection Event,” this event gets underway on December 5th and will last for nearly a full month with an end date scheduled for January 2nd. The new Revenant Uprising LTM is the new game mode in question that pits two teams of 30 against one another, but the same event is also adding a Prestige skin for Loba that capitalizes on her wolf-like aesthetic seen in other parts of her design.

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While the new Revenant Uprising game mode does consist of two teams of 30, it still plays out a bit differently than a straight up deathmatch between two teams of that size. It’s more akin to something like an Infected match from the Call of Duty series, but from the description alone, it sounds like a hectic LTM worth trying out.

Revenant Uprising LTM

As the name suggests, this LTM is centered around Revenant, a character who’s played a major part in the ongoing story of Apex Legends throughout multiple seasons. In this Revenant Rising game mode, half of the players in the match start as members of “the Revenant Army” while the other 30 players will seemingly be grouped into 10 squads of three to match the Revenant team’s numbers.

The catch here is that when a squad is fully wiped, they join the side of the Revenant Army which is where the Infected-like twist comes into play.

“Revenant Uprising brings an all-out 30v30 war as Legends must reach the Evac point, while the Revenant Army does everything they can to stop their escape-swarming the ground like something straight out of your nightmares,” Respawn Entertainment and EA said about the new mode. “The Legends may have the advantage at first, but if a squad is wiped, they join the simulacrum horde. Leading the Army is one player-controlled Red Eyed Revenant, spawning with high tier loot like red shields and weapons.”

It’s unclear right now what sorts of weapons the normal Revenant players have at their disposals, but we won’t have to wait long to find out since the game mode starts on December 5th. It’ll run from then until December 11th, then from the 15th to the 18th, then from the 22nd to the 25th, and finally from the 29th to January 1st, a schedule for the game mode confirmed.

Loba’s Prestige Skin

The event also includes the release of Loba’s Prestige cosmetic: Apex Lycanthrope. If you’ve been around a Collection Event or two, you’ll know what’s expected of you. Loba mains have to acquire all 24 event-exclusive items with either Crafting Metals or Apex Coins before the event ends, and if you do so, you’ll get the pricey Prestige skin for the Legend.

You can see that skin in action in the tweet above. Apex Legends’ Uprising Collection Event begins on December 5th.