Accidental Apex Legends Nerf Reverted, Might Return Later
Apex Legends players noticed a pretty significant Horizon nerf recently that affected her aim when using the Legend's signature Gravity Lift ability, but it looks like that nerf wasn't intentional now that it's already been reverted. However, that doesn't mean that it was a bug – there's reason to believe that the nerf was just not intended to be released in this latest update and that it'll come back to the game at a later date.
Shooting from the top of a Gravity Lift is a core part of playing as or with a Horizon, so it was quite surprising to see instances like the one shown in the clip below recently after the latest update was released. When up in the Gravity Lift, the once tight spread of bullets became much more erratic than it did pre-update which led players to realize that there'd been a nerf pushed out that wasn't documented in the patch notes.
A quick note to our @PlayApex dearies before you launch into the weekend🚀:
— Respawn (@Respawn) January 13, 2023
Accuracy while shooting from Horizon's Gravity Lift was inadvertently affected with the 15.1 update. We've just rolled out a fix to correct this.
Sure enough, Respawn Entertainment confirmed that was the case. A tweet from the Respawn Twitter account confirmed that the nerf was unintentional and that a hotfix had already been released to resolve the issue.
"Accuracy while shooting from Horizon's Gravity Lift was inadvertently affected with the 15.1 update," the tweet said. "We've just rolled out a fix to correct this."
But will the nerf come back at a later date? It's looking like that might be the case. There's an ALGS playoffs event coming up in February, so it's unlikely that Respawn would push out a nerf as significant as this one before an esports event considering how prevalent Horizon is in many pro teams. It's also worth pointing out that Apex's senior producer Josh Medina tweeted about the matter as well and said that things sometimes get pushed that "aren't fully ready for prime time." That suggests that this nerf was intentional as opposed to it being a bug and that it simply released too soon.
Sometimes things escape that aren’t fully ready for prime time especially with ALGS coming up 😘
— Josh Medina (@lowkeydbjosh) January 13, 2023
Apex's updates are relatively infrequent in terms of balance changes, so it may be a while longer before we see this nerf implemented, assuming it's coming back at all. For now, Horizon should play as she did previously prior to the accidental nerf.