
‘Apex Legends’ Video Shows Octane’s Launch Pads Are Perfect for Pathfinder

Octane’s new Launch Pads appear to have been added to the game ahead of the new Apex Legends […]

Octane’s new Launch Pads appear to have been added to the game ahead of the new Apex Legends character’s official release, and players are already discovering the power of the pad that launches them in the air and on top of buildings. Being more mobile is obviously an advantage for any Legend, especially those who don’t have any abilities that would let them move around the map quicker, but in the hands of a Legend like Pathfinder that’s already extremely mobile, the Launch Pads provide some unrivaled mobility.

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The video below comes courtesy of an Apex Legends player on Reddit who found the Launch Pads next to the Market area. By figuring out exactly where Respawn Entertainment placed the Launch Pads around the Market, the player could hit three different Launch Pads and ended it with a stylish grappling hook to catapult themselves away from the area.

Launch Pads are currently restricted only to the Market location after Respawn added them there in what appears to be either a test or teaser for Octane judging from the developer’s responses, though this kind of preview shows how strong Pathfinder will be with a Launch Pad at the robot’s disposal. There aren’t too many locations that are inaccessible to Pathfinder once you combine the Legend’s two mobility abilities, but on a team with Octane, the whole map and all its nooks and crannies are practically available to the character.

If the video above showing Pathfinder ending the Launch Pad course with a slide wasn’t satisfying enough, the player shared another clip that showed how Pathfinder’s grapple hook can take the Legend right back around to the Launch Pad. Hitting an enemy who’s travelling up a zipline or falling through the air can already be difficult enough, and the way the Wraith reacted looks like it’ll be an accurate representation of players trying to track a Launch Pad user in the air.

via Gfycat

Octane’s Launch Pads are only in the Market for now, but if the leaks play out like players think they will, Octane’s ultimate will let the Legend drop a Launch Pad at different locations to unlock this potential elsewhere. It’s unknown if Octane will have multiple Launch Pads like Caustic stacks traps, but that’ll be made clear once the Legend and his abilities are fully revealed.


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