Arkane Studios Talks About Its Nearly Impossible Dishonored “Clean Hands” Trophy/Achievement

The Dishonored series recently came to a close (for now) with the Death of the Outsider game, [...]


The Dishonored series recently came to a close (for now) with the Death of the Outsider game, which closes out the current arc we've come to expect from the series. But there's still a lot to be done within the three games that are out, from the original Dishonored to Dishonored 2 to the new entry – especially if you really want to get through the game without killing anyone.

See, by taking the stealth approach and not raising your sword once to enemies – which is a lot tougher than it sounds – you could earn the much sought after "Clean Hands" Trophy/Achievement. But very few people have gotten it, because getting through the games without killing anyone is quite a feat.

In fact, Arkane Studios recently took to PlayStation Blog to discuss the sheer toughness of getting this Trophy in any of the games, just because it's so ridiculously hard. The studio's lead designer, Dinga Bakaba, explained how they came up with its creation in the first place…

"At first we were thinking of including this sort of gameplay as an Easter egg, making it super obscure and hidden. But at some point our play-testers started noticing the potential for [completing the game without killing any NPCs] and they expressed an interest. So we thought 'why not? Let's see how far we can push this. Let's see if we can support this urge for the entire game'. So we started thinking of ways the player could indirectly get rid of their targets."

So exactly how tough is the "Clean Hands" Trophy/Achievement to come by? According to data provided by the developer, only six percent of the games' players have managed to unlock them. "You have to think about every move you make in the game," Bakaba noted. And even if you do manage to make it through, that doesn't quite mean the ending will be a positive one, mainly because "no one is a good guy in Dishonored."

So is it a Trophy/Achievement worth going after? For some, maybe. But others may be more thrilled with the idea of killing everyone with their powers. Because that's always fun, yeah?

Dishonored: Death of the Outsider is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.