Baldur's Gate 3's Modding Tools Are Receiving Positive Feedback From Testers

The Baldur's Gate 3 modding toolkit is getting positive feedback from mod authors who have tested it.

While Baldur's Gate 3 will introduce an exciting variety of content when Patch 7 releases this September, what the major update most notably includes is Larian Studios answering a highly-requested player feature by directly providing modding tools for the game. The modding tools will ideally make creating and using mods for Baldur's Gate 3 easier and more accessible, especially considering it will open up modding abilities to console players on PlayStation and Xbox, while mods have previously been locked to PC-only players. To assist with the development of the tools Larian invited mod authors to participate in a Closed Alpha Test to try out the modding tools. 

The latest community note for Baldur's Gate 3 includes feedback from some of the mod authors that have participated in the alpha test, including the following:

  • "Tasks that used to be tedious, like creating icons and registering them within the game, have now been transformed into easily understandable and usable menus. This means I no longer need to struggle with multiple versions of the same icon in various code files, with the Toolkit, I can create the atlas in a single window without complications." – mod author, TechRoot
  • "I have been grateful for Larian for giving mod authors the chance to learn and provide valuable feedback. It's when you actually try to learn and create a mod that you can identify where the improvements are most needed. And having mod authors with a range of interests and skills continues to be important in the development process." – mod author, LostSoul
  • "I really love making CC colours in the toolkit, as a visual person, being able to visually see my changes in the Toolkit by utilising the Character Visuals and switching the preset to view mine... it's beyond words." – mod author, Padme4000

The modding toolkit's implementation with Patch 7 is highly anticipated, and Larian is ready to open the opportunity up to additional players to test out the tools soon. You can register now on Steam to request access to the upcoming Playtest, which is set to begin next week on July 22nd. Larian notes that "Entry to the playtest will be given to randomly selected registered players, and if you're selected, we'll let you know more about what to look out for, including partial patch notes, and how you can report any issues you might come across!"