Blind 'Call of Duty: Black Ops 4' Player Sets Goal of 10,000 Multiplayer Kills

A blind Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 player who found success in Call of Duty games new and old is [...]

A blind Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 player who found success in Call of Duty games new and old is hoping to get 10,000 kills in Treyarch's new game.

Known online as tj_the_blind_gamer and simply as TJ, the player shared news with the community that he'd gotten his first kill in Black Ops 4's multiplayer mode. After getting that initial kill, he said he's planning on going for many more by setting a 10,000-kill goal for himself. TJ said that he shot for the same goal in Call of Duty: WW2 and achieved it, so now he's planning on doing the same in Black Ops 4.

"For those who do not know me, I'm blind and play Call of Duty," TJ said. "Yesterday I managed to get my first kill in Black Ops 4 multiplayer, I am considering going for a similar goal of 10,000 kills in Black Ops [4]."

He added that it might take him a while to achieve that goal especially with how much he's enjoying the game's Zombies mode. Since Zombies is taking up a lot of his time, he said, he might set a goal of killing 100,000 zombies instead. TJ has a Twitch channel where people can watch him play live, but he also has a YouTube account where he has videos of him and teammates fending off waves of zombies. One of his videos even shows TJ getting to the 28th round of Zombies before going down.

TJ told those interested in how he plays the game that he's completely blind and uses his teammates and audio cues to find success in the multiplayer mode. He said that he doesn't know what the maps look like but added that it doesn't matter since he can follow footsteps and other noises to figure out where the action is. The player also praised the sound design of the game and compared it to how others look at a game's graphics.

"Where there are visuals and graphics, there is audio and sound design," he said. "The sound of a satisfying headshot in multiplayer, unloading a clip into a horde of zombies and annihilating all of them. Placing a trip mine in a good area and getting a kill with it, all of these have satisfying sounds."

Comparing two of the game's core modes, he said that it was easier to orient himself in the Zombies mode since there are so many variables in multiplayer. He also has hopes that Treyarch will consider adding expanded accessibility options in the future with his initial post saying that he shares stories like this to inspire other disabled players.