'Call of Duty: Black Ops 4' Player Discovers Impressive Speed Exploit

Like any online game, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 has its fair share of exploits and bugs that [...]

Like any online game, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 has its fair share of exploits and bugs that players can use to their advantage in a match. Whether it be for practical use or just pure hilarity, exploits can be pretty darn handy sometimes and that's exactly the case with this particular one that makes players go super fast.

New cheat I've never seen ... this guy was running around like a dog. Looked like a horror movie from r/Blackops4

In the above clip, you can see the player stumbled upon a speed exploit in Domination that makes a person go stupidly fast in a match. This supposed exploit would obviously be a huge advantage in a match, so it wouldn't be too surprising that a hotfix will be rolling out soon since the clip is gaining so much traction on Reddit.

Some were quick to point out that it could possibly not be a glitch at all, but instead a player spamming prone with Dexterity - a perk Call of Duty players are familiar with.

Keep in mind, though, on the topic of exploit that Treyarch has mentioned that they are cracking down on exploit users, so be careful should you try to test this one out. In a post over on Reddit, the team opened up about one exploit in particular: "We are currently tracking players implementing an exploit that allows multiple copies of the same Perk to be equipped in Multiplayer. We are clearing those players' Create-a-Class entries as a warning and will be banning repeat offenders after this point. This exploit will be resolved in an upcoming update."

Players that are caught abusing exploits will be faced with certain punishments, punishments that Treyarch outlined below:

  • First offense: Player will be temporarily suspended from playing the game online, will have their stats, Emblems, and Paintjobs reset, will have online splitscreen privileges revoked, and will have their Leaderboard entries deleted.
  • Extreme or repeat offenses: Player will be permanently suspended from playing the game online, will have their stats, Emblems, and Paintjobs reset, and will be blocked permanently from appearing in Leaderboards.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is now available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. Thoughts on the above clip? Spam, or exploit? Join in on the conversation in the comment section below, or hit me up over on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy.