Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Sounds Very Dark and Controversial in Leaked First Details

A substantial Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 report has leaked the first details on next year's COD. The report comes from a source with an unproven track record, but it's since been verified by a reliable and reputable source. Like the reports before it, this new one claims that next year's installment is being made by Infinity Ward and will be a follow-up to 2019's Modern Warfare reboot. And just like the 2019 reboot, the follow-up is apparently going to be "gritty, gruesome, grim, unrelenting, and brave."

To this end, the report adds that "if an enemy combatant is shot, they will not die immediately, depending on where they've been wounded: they'll beg for their lives, insult you, call out for their mother, hallucinate, gurgle/moan/groan/death rattle, convulsions." Of course, this will be limited to the campaign, which the report notes, and if you played the campaign of Modern Warfare, none of this is that surprising, but it would be taking things to the next level in terms of grittiness and darkness.

Coupling this will be a "Moral Compass" system similar to the "Honour System" in Red Dead Redemption 2. With this system, certain decisions made by players will dictate and impact several moments of the campaign.

The report also makes mention of the following details:

  • There will be ealistic gore that is contingent on the caliber of the bullet. 
  • Combatants will lose limbs, but this won't always lead to a loss of consciousness. If this happens, combatants will squirm and scream (campaign only).
  • There will be"no winners in this story," which possibly hints "at the grueling cycle that is the War on Drugs (campaign only).
  • There will be state-of-the-art weapon dynamics and revised interactivity (campaign only).
  • During high-intensity moments, your character will react accordingly. For example, if ambushed the character players are controlling will be visibly shaking up with trembling hands, which in turn impacts things like aiming, reloading, breathing, and voice quivering during call-outs (campaign only)
  • There will be a weapon jam animation (campaign only).
  • Bullet in the Chamber and Bullet ejection. Bullets that are ejected unused can be picked back up (campaign only).
  • There will be a P.T. Silent Hills- inspired mode that will replace Special Ops.

All of this information comes from a Twitter thread from "Ralph," a new source on the Call of Duty scene. It's since been verifiid by prominent Call of Duty source, Okami Games. However, it should still be taken with a grain of salt. Not only is everything here unofficial, but it's also subject to change.