Call of Duty: MW3 Players Get Update on Fan-Favorite Cyber Attack Mode

Modern Warfare 3 might get Cyber Attack, but it might not.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019) featured a mode called Cyber Attack that players very much enjoyed due to how it blended together elements from different game modes, namely Search and Destroy, to create a new, unique experience. Considering how well it went over in Modern Warfare, it wasn't surprising to see that it was brought back in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 as well as part of the very first season of content. What was surprising, however, was to see that not only was Cyber Attack not included in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 at launch, but it still hasn't been added to the game to this day.

Sledgehammer Games said several months ago that Cyber Attack was not currently in the seasonal plans, but like most things, if people want it enough, the devs would see what they could do. Since then, some people have been quite persistent about asking for more news on Cyber Attack. One of those players got a response this week in a post directed at Sledgehammer Games.

The post itself has since been edited to remove most of the text which, based on responses in the comments to the initial texts and responses from the original poster, was seemingly quite dismissive towards Sledgehammer and ill-received by the community. Regardless, Sledgehammer replied, and while there's still a chance that Cyber Attack might not ever get added to Modern Warfare 3, the devs are at least working on implementing it.

The full response can be found below:

"Our team recently began working on bringing Cyber Attack to MWIII, but we can't promise it'll be ready soon enough for release – hence the lack of a response up to this point," Sledgehammer said.

"To clarify, our reply during the November AMA was never a guarantee that the mode would return but instead a prompt for players to voice their wishes for it, allowing us to gauge interest. As we explained, Cyber Attack was not a part of our plans for this game, which makes it very difficult to fit into our development schedule. Several systems, including our maps and UI, do not currently work with this mode. Bringing it over from last year's game is not an easy task.

"We will share a definitive answer when we have one. In the meantime, we'll continue communicating on other issues, feedback, and requests. Thank you for understanding."


Sledgehammer Games responds to requests for Cyber Attack in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.


Cyber Attack works by tasking players to planting an EMP at the opposing team's data center which then has to be defused. You've only got one life per round, but unlike Search and Destroy where you're out when dead, you can be revived in Cyber Attack. You can win either by having your EMP go off in the enemy base or by eliminating all other players.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 releases on October 25th, so perhaps we'll see Cyber Attack added to Modern Warfare 3 before then.